Flexible Working Policy

Adopted by Council – 5 September 2023 What is flexible working Every staff member has a contract of employment that sets out the working hours. A request to work flexibly is a request from the employee to change either the number of working hours, when or where they...

Mobile Phone Policy

MOBILE PHONE POLICY – ADOPTED 04/01/2023 1. Introduction 1.1 Gainsborough Town Council (GTC) recognises that to ensure effective runningof services, communications and business activities, it will be necessary for some staff to have access to a mobile phone.1.2...

Reserves Policy

RESERVES POLICY – ADOPTED 04/01/2023 REVIEWED AND ADOPTED – 19/09/2023 1. Introduction Gainsborough Town Council1.1 Gainsborough Town Council is required by statute to maintain financial reserves sufficient to meet the needs of the organisation. The...

Interim Project Plan

https://gainsborough-tc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Interim-Project-Plan.pdf Contents Foreword. 3 Development of Council Assets. 3 What we do now: 3 Existing ‘Live’ Projects. 4 Levellings. 4 Richmond House Windows. 5 Richmond House Conservatory. 5 Cemetery...