Next month, March 2023, is rent month for our allotment holders throughout Gainsborough. If you have an allotment on the following sites, you can expect a letter from us in the next few weeks:
- Foxby Hill
- North Warren
- Showfields
- Love Lane
- Spital Hill
You’ll be receiving a letter from us along with an updated tenancy agreement so if you’re happy to continue your tenancy with us, please ensure that all relevant paperwork is returned to us signed. In this case it would:
- 1x copy of the tenancy agreement (the other is for you to keep)
- 1x privacy notice
Please also keep in mind, if you’re looking to get stuck into your allotment this year, we have some great info on hand that can help you along the way – you can find that here.
Remember, if you’re interested in keeping hens, pigeons, rabbits or bees on your plot, it’s essential to first get permission from the council so we can ensure a happy and healthy environment for all animals and allotment holders.
Please be aware, we are unable to allocate plots that appear to be vacant if someone signs a tenancy for it and there are also some plots marked as unusable on certain sites so they cannot be occupied.
Finally, this is also the time that we ask, if you are currently a holder and no longer wish to be, please inform us by completing a surrender document, sending us an email or giving us a call.
By doing this, you are helping us to keep an accurate log of all occupied plots as well as provide tenancy to new holders.
Who is Natasha Gardener.
Dear Chris,
Natasha is a member of Gainsborough Town Council staff. She regularly posts on the council’s behalf as part of her duties.