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The Town Council is a statutory consultee in the planning process. It does not make a decision on a planning application and can only provide a comment or opinion. This is done through the Planning and Development Committee of the Town Council which meets once a month.

Please visit the West Lindsey District Council website if you wish to view or comment on a planning application.

Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan

The Gainsborough Town Neighbourhood Plan successfully passed referendum on the 6th May 2021.

The Plan and its supporting documents can be viewed on the West Lindsey District Council Website.

Community Infrastructure Levy

CIL is a levy that local authorities can charge on developments in their area to ensure facilities and services in the area have capacity to keep up with new homes.

Click below to download the latest end of year report

CIL-2023-24 Year End Report

CIL-2022-23 Year End Report

CIL-2021-22 Year End Report


Central Lincolnshire Local Plan

A key document in the planning process is the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.