2023-07-12 Public Papers as sent PC
Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available.
Committee meetings will be held in the Reading Room at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough. Public and press are welcome to attend.
You are invited to attend a meeting of Personnel Committee which will be held on Wednesday 12 July 2023 commencing at 7.00pm in the meeting room, Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough.
The business of the meeting is set out in the agenda below.
Cllr T Davies
Acting Town Clerk
Committee members: Cllr S Brennan, Cllr R Craig (C) – ex officio, Cllr D Dannatt, Cllr T Davies – ex officio, Cllr R Doy, Cllr P Key, Cllr S Morley, Cllr J Plastow, Cllr K Woolley
Agenda no |
Agenda item title |
Power |
PC24/014 |
Apologies for absence
To note apologies for absence. |
Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40. |
PC24/015 |
Declarations of interest
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. |
Localism Act 2011, s31. |
PC24/016 |
Dispensation requests
To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. |
Localism Act 2011, s33. |
PC24/017 |
Items for Exclusion of Public and Press
To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items. |
Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) |
PC24/018 |
Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
To receive the minutes of the previous Personnel Committee meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).
Paper A – Personnel Committee Tuesday 13 June 2023 |
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
PC24/019 |
Staff Handbook
To consider and adopt a reviewed version of the Staff Handbook and resolve the following policies are now redundant: –
45 – Internet Usage policy
52 – Use of Work Vehicles by Staff Members
46 – Flexitime policy
50 – Capability policy
32 – Grievance and discipline policy
48 – Gate locking policy
Paper B |
PC24/020 |
Flexible Working Policy
To consider and adopt a Flexible Working Policy.
Paper C |
PC24/021 |
To consider report regarding missing timesheets from a former member of staff.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion
Paper D |
PC24/022 |
Parking Fine
To consider reimbursement of parking fine received when attending a meeting at WLDC.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion
Paper E |
PC24/023 |
Staff Structure
To consider report regarding staff structure.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion
Paper F |
PC24/024 |
Staff Management Matter
To consider a report on a staff performance management matter.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion
Paper G |
PC24/025 |
Cllr Dannatt Proposal
To consider proposal received from Cllr Dannatt.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion
Paper H |
PC24/026 |
Town Clerk Recruitment
To consider all options available to the Council in the recruitment of a new Town Clerk.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal nature of discussion and time sensitive commercial sensitivity.
Paper I |
PC24/027 |
Items for notification
To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only
· Staff sickness, absence and leave report
· Expenses Policy
· Staff Policy reviews
· Sickness Absence Policy
· Additional Duties Policy
· Electronic Information and Communication Systems Policy |
N/A |
PC24/028 |
Time and date of next meeting
To note the date and time of the next Personnel Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday 13 September 2023 at 7.00pm. |
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |