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Planning Committee

September 27, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00

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2022-09-27 Papers as sent PC

Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above.

Committee  meetings will be held in the Reading Room at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace,  Gainsborough. Public and press are welcome to attend.

You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 7.00pm at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough.

The business of the meeting is set out in the agenda below.

Belina Boyer
Town Clerk

Committee members: Cllr M Boles – ex officio, Cllr R Craig, Cllr D Dobbie, Cllr C Lambie, Cllr P O’Connor – ex officio, Cllr K Panter, Cllr J Plastow (VC), Cllr A Taylor

Agenda no Agenda item title Power/Regulation
PL23/092 Apologies for absence
To note apologies for absence.
Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40.
PL23/093 Declarations of interest
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
Localism Act 2011, s31.
PL23/094 Dispensation requests
To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded.
Localism Act 2011, s33.
PL23/095 Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
To receive the minutes of the previous Gainsborough Town Council meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).
Paper A – Planning Committee 23 August 2022
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). 
Presentation from Savills regarding Gainsborough Southern Neighbourhood Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE)  
Planning Applications
PL23/096 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145225 (18/8/22, 28 days)

Proposal: Planning application for change of use class from retail to tanning salon (sui generis)       

Location: Unit 3 Bob Rainsforth Way, Gainsborough

Article 13 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 2015

Schedule 1, paragraph 8 to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended

PL23/097 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145345 (25/8/22, 21 days)

Proposal: Planning application for change of use of office 9 from class E to Aestherics Clinic (Sui Generis)       

Location: The Plough Business Hub, 37 Church Street, Gainsborough

PL23/098 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145239 (25/8/22, 30 days)

Proposal: Outline planning application for the demolition of existing structures; the erection of 2046 new homes with business, community services and facilities falling within Class E; school falling within Class F1; formal and informal open space and landscaping; outdoor sport and recreation falling within Class F2; together with the construction of new access junctions, cycleways and footways, and associated infrastructure and facilities  – access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications 

Location: Land at Foxby Lane, Gainsborough

PL23/099 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 144738 (1/9/22, 14 days)

Proposal: Planning application to erect 8no. commercial units to fall within Use Class E(g)i) office ii) the research and development of products or processes or iii) any industrial process, (which can be carried out in any residential area without causing detriment to the amenity of the area).    

Location: Land off Willoughton Drive, Gainsborough

Change to layout including removal of unit along south western end of site and submission of landscaping plans.

PL23/100 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145405 (7/9/22, 28 days)

Proposal: Planning application to remove garage and erect 1no. detached dwelling

Location: Land at 1 Love Lane, Gainsborough

PL23/101 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145397 (16/9/22, 28 days)

Proposal: Reserved matters application for Phase 1 to erect 454no. dwellings, considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 138921 granted 29 August 2019 – being variation of condition 1 of 140081 granted 06 Febuary 2020 for changes to approved site layout.    

Location: Land at Foxby Lane, Gainsborough

PL23/102 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145466 (15/9/22, 28 days)

Proposal: Planning application to erect 2no. apartments and 3no. dwellings. 

Location: Land North of Acland Street, Gainsborough

PL23/103 To consider planning application received.

Application Ref No: 145530 (21/9/22, 28 days)

Proposal: Planning application for proposed single storey side and rear extension with integral garage – resubmission of 144927

Location: 16 Riverside Approach, Gainsborough

Decision notices
PL23/104 To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 145121 GRANTED
Proposal:. Listed building consent for internal shop-fit refurbishment.
Location: Unit 18, Marshalls Yard Beaumont Street, Gainsborough
Paper B
PL23/105 To note decision notices received since last meeting.
Application Ref No: 145294 GRANTED
Proposal: County development to resurface an area of grass to create an extended tarmac path/area of hardstanding – PL/0066/22
Location: Queen Elizabeth High School, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough
Paper C
PL23/106 To note decision notices received since last meeting.
Application Ref No: 145212 GRANTED
Proposal: Planning application to amend car parking layout, relocate steel palisade fencing & sliding security gate, alterations to external windows, doors and cladding, addition of external lighting & roof mounted solar PV panels.
Location: Smiffys, Caldicott Drive, Gainsborough
Paper D
PL23/107 To note decision notices received since last meeting.
Application Ref No: 145213 GRANTED
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 11no. fascia signs, 1no. digitally printed window graphics and 1no. free standing totem sign.
Location: Smiffys, Caldicott Drive, Gainsborough
Paper E
PL23/108 To note decision notices received since last meeting.
Application Ref No: 144657 REFUSED
Proposal: Planning application for proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
Location: 16 Turpin Close, Gainsborough
Paper F
PL23/109 To note decision notices received since last meeting.
Application Ref No: 145132 GRANTED
Proposal: Planning application for replacement of 3no. shop fronts, including removal of 2no. door entrances.
Location: 10-18 Hickman Street Gainsborough
Paper G
PL23/110 Street naming requests
To consider street naming requests received (if there are any).
PL23/111 Tree preservation orders
To consider tree preservation orders received (if there are any).
PL23/112 Gainsborough neighbourhood plan
To consider any matters arising from the Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan (if there are any)
PL23/113 Gainsborough Transport Strategy May 2022 – 2036
To receive the full LCC new strategy which aims to improve transport and support future development to 2036 and beyond.
Paper H
PL23/114 Assets of community value
To note Asset of Community Value submissions for Library, Land off Corringham Road (The Gap), Mercer Wood, Pitt Hills Plantation (land behind Gainsborough Leisure Centre), Old Guildhall Gardens, Trinity Arts Centre, Whittons Gardens.
Paper I
PL23/115 New Assets of community value
To consider additional requests for assets of community value.
PL23/116 CCTV Safe zone
To consider Cllr Dobbie request for a CCTV safe zone.
PL23/117 Cross Street traffic
To consider Cllr Craig issues with traffic on Cross Street.
PL23/118 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
To receive communication from WLDC regarding CIL liable permissions since its adoption in January 2018 and status of each one.
Paper J
PL23/119 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – consultation on addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal
To consider an additional consultation on an addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal which is taking place.
Paper K
PL23/120 Items for notification
To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only
Land off Corringham Road, Gainsborough
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Response regarding Willow tree on Bridge Street
PL23/121 Time and date of next meeting
To note the date and time of the next Planning committee is scheduled for 25 October 2022 at 19.00.
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a)


September 27, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category:


Richmond House
Richmond House, Richmond Park
GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire DN21 2RJ United Kingdom
+ Google Map


Town Clerk