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Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above.
Councillors Present
Paul Key | Keith Panter | |
Chris Lambie | James Plastow | |
David Dobbie (Chairman) | Liam Muggeridge |
Councillors Absent
Matt Boles | Richard Craig | Denise Schofield |
In attendance:
Rachel Allbones – Deputy Clerk (DTC/RFO) |
Also present: One member of the public.
Agenda no | Agenda item title | Resolution | Action | Power |
PL22/001 | To note apologies for absence. | Cllrs Boles, Craig and Schofield had given their apologies. | N/A | Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1)
& Sch 12, p40. |
PL22/002 | To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests.
None received | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s31. |
PL22/003 | To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded.
None received. | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s33. |
PL22/004 | Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
To receive the minutes of the previous Planning Committee meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s). Paper A – Planning Committee 22 December 2021
The Committee resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting 22 December 2021 as a true record of that meeting.
Councillors Lambie, Muggridge and Plastow abstained from voting. |
ASO to publish.
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
PL22/005 | To consider planning applications received. Members are requested to view the documents using the West Lindsey online planning portal prior to the meeting at the following link https://planning.west-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/
i. Application Ref No: 144126 (20/12/21, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for 1no. bungalow with associated parking and hard and soft landscaping. Location: Land off Spital Hill, Gainsborough
ii. Application Ref No: 144151 (30/12/21, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for part change of use from store room (use class B8) to 1no. studio flat (use class C3) Location: Store Rear of Morton Stores, 1 Crooked Billet Street, Morton, Gainsborough
iii. Application Ref No: 144155 (30/12/21, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for two storey front extension. Location: 20 The Avenue, Gainsborough
iv. Application Ref No: 144190 (6/1/22, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for a temporary modular office building Location: Environment Agency, Corringham Road, Gainsborough
v. Application Ref No: 144040 (7/1/22, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for installation of two first floor windows and a new external storage compound Location: Gainsborough Giftware, Caldicott Drive, Gainsborough
vi. Application Ref No: 144221 (17/1/22, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for the erection of an Extra Care home (Class C2) contaning 48no. apartments of mixed size, including; 40no. one bed and 8no. two bed apartments, with associated amenities, staff facilities and landscaping. Location: Former Cedars Residential Home, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough
PL22/005/i The Committee resolved that they have concerns regarding the concealed entrance on Spital Hill. Committee would suggest signage be erected regarding the concealed entrance and work vehicles being present.
PL22/005/ii The Committee resolved they had no objections to the application.
PL22/005/iii The Committee resolved they support the application and have no objections.
PL22/005/iv The Committee resolved they had no objections to the application.
PL22/005/v The Committee resolved they support the application and have no objections.
PL22/005/vi The Committee resolved they support the application and have no objections.
Councillor Key abstained from voting on the above resolution. |
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC.
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC.
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC.
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC.
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC.
DTC/RFO to send response to WLDC. |
Article 13 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 2015
Schedule 1, paragraph 8 to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended |
PL22/006 | To note decision notices received since last meeting. – NONE RECEIVED
None received. | N/A | |
PL22/007 | To consider street naming requests received (if there are any).
Paper B – Thonock Vale (The Avenue), Gainsborough (up to 13 names required) Paper C – WLDC restrictions on naming streets Paper D – Previous circulated street naming ideas from Cllr Schofield.
Committee agreed viking names for the streets would be appropriate due to the history of the site.
Committee resolved to defer until the next meeting in order to come up with a potential 13 street names to propose to the developer.
Councillors to consider potential viking names and forward to the DTC/RFO before the next meeting in order for a report to be produced. DTC/RFO to update the developer on the Committee decision. |
PL22/008 | To consider tree preservation orders received (if there are any).
None received. | N/A | |
PL22/009 | To receive an update on planning/neighbourhood plan training for members.
Dealt with in the next agenda item. | N/A | N/A |
PL22/010 | To consider any matters arising from the Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan (if there are any).
Angle Community Development Services have suggested 24th February 2022 to carry out training on Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan.
The Committee resolved for Angle Community Development Services to carry out training on Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan and a planning refresher on 24th February 2022 at Marshalls at a cost of £125, fund to be taken from the Neighbourhood Plan ear marked reserve.
DTC/RFO to confirm with Angle CDS and invite all Councillors. | |
PL22/011 | To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only
None received. | N/A | N/A |
PL22/012 | To note the date and time of the next Planning committee is scheduled for 23 February 2022 at 19.00.
Noted. | N/A | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |
Meeting Concluded at 20.06
Signed as a true record of the Meeting:_______________________________ Dated______________
Presiding chairman of approving meeting