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Finance and Strategy Committee

January 19, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00

2022-01-19 F&S Papers

Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above.


Minutes of the Finance & Strategy Committee meeting

19 January 2022

held in the Function Room, Marshalls Sports Ground, Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough

Councillors Present

Matt Boles (Chairman) David Dobbie James Plastow
Tim Davies Chris Lambie


Councillors Absent

Richard Craig Paul Key Denise Schofield


In attendance:

Belina Boyer – Town Clerk (TC) Rachel Allbones – Deputy Clerk (DTC/RFO)


Also present: One member of the public.

Agenda no Agenda item title Resolution Action Power
FS22/001 To note apologies for absence. Cllrs Craig, Key and Schofield had given their apologies. N/A Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1)

& Sch 12, p40.

FS22/002 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests.


None received N/A Localism Act 2011, s31.
FS22/003 To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded.


None received. N/A Localism Act 2011, s33.
FS22/004 Minutes of the previous meeting(s)

To receive the minutes of the previous Finance and Strategy Committee meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).

Paper A – Finance and Strategy Committee 22 December 2021


The Committee resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting 22 December 2021 as a true record of that meeting.


Councillors Dobbie, Lambie and Plastow abstained from voting.

ASO to publish.


Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1).
FS22/005 To receive and consider the following financial reports:

Paper B Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 13 January 2022

Paper C Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 13 January 2022

Paper D Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 13 January 2022


The Committee resolved to note and approve the following reports:

·      Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 13 January 2022

·      Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 13 January 2022

·      Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 13 January 2022


Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting.


Provide Councillor Boles with the Emergency light and fire extinguisher test reports. Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021.
FS22/006 To approve and resolve to sign the monthly bank reconciliation for 31 December 2021 as per the paragraph 2.2 in Financial Regulations.

Paper E


The Committee resolved to approve and sign the Bank Reconciliation to 31 December 2021.


Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting.


Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021.
FS22/007 To consider and approve the draft revised budget for 2021/2022

Paper F


The Committee resolved to approve the revised budget for 2021/22.

Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting.


DTC/RFO & ASO to publish Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021
FS22/008 To routinely review and re-adopt the following policies:

a) 16 – Communications Policy Paper G

b) 22 – Filming and recording Policy

Paper H

c) 23 – Public Participation Policy Paper I


The Committee resolved to re-adopt the following policies:

16 – Communications Policy

22 – Filming and recording Policy

23 – Public Participation Policy


Councillor Dobbie abstained from voting.


ASO to publish
FS22/009 To review and adopt the council’s publication scheme, decide how documentation should be published and set appropriate charges within the scheme.

Paper J


The Committee resolved to adopt the Publication Scheme and noted the template guide to information. Members resolved the charges should be at cost to the Council. Guide to information to be approved once complete and relevant to Council.


TC to populate the guide to information and resubmit for approval.
FS22/010 To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only


It was noted that the DTC/RFO has put debt recovery and fees and charges on the February agenda. N/A N/A
FS22/011 To note the date and time of the next Finance and Strategy committee is scheduled for 20 February 2022 at 19.00. It was noted that the next meeting would be 16 February 2022 and not 20 February. N/A Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a)


Meeting concluded at 19.29

Signed as a true record of the Meeting:_______________________________   Dated______________

Presiding chairman of approving meeting


January 19, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category:


Marshalls Sports Ground and Community Hall


Town Clerk