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Committee meetings will be held in the Reading Room at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough. Public and press are welcome to attend.
To: Committee members:
Councillor Councillor Richard Craig, Councillor Tim Davies, Councillor Michael Devine, Councillor David Dobbie, Councillor Stuart Morley, Councillor Liam Muggridge, Concillor Keith Panter, Councillor James Plastow, Councillor James Ward
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 24 October 2023 commencing at 7:00pm in the meeting room, Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough, DN21 2RJ and your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business.
PL24/107 Apologies for Absence
To note apologies for absence.
PL24/108 Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
PL24/109 Dispensation Requests
To consider any dispensation requests received by the Town Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded.
PL24/110 Items for Exclusion of Public and Press
To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items.
PL24/111 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
To receive the minutes of the previous Planning Committee meeting and resolve to sign these as a true and accurate record.
Paper A Tuesday 26 September 2023 (pages 6 to 14)
PL24/112 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147359 (25/09/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Listed building consent to change the use from 1no. shop, 2no. flats and a dance hall to 1no. shop, 3no. dwellings and 2no. flats
Location: 80-82 Church Street, Gainsborough
PL24/113 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147333 (28/09/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for 2no. shopfronts to form 2no. retail units and 5no. residential flats including replacement windows and full internal and external refurbishments.
Location: 27 Silver Street, Gainsborough
PL24/114 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147334 (28/09/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Listed building consent for 2no. shopfronts to form 2no. retail units and 5no. residential flats including replacement windows and full internal and external refurbishments.
Location: 27 Silver Street, Gainsborough
PL24/115 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147316 (29/09/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Application for advertisement consent to display 2no. built up Spar illuminated logos, 2no. Daily Deli fascia signs, digitally printed window graphics, 5m tall illuminated pole sign (double sided), 2no. mesh style banner frames into ground and 5no. lockable poster frames.
Location: Spar, Parkside Way, Gainsborough
PL24/116 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147368 (4/10/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 1no. illuminated facia sign to building, 1no. illuminated lozenge sign to canopy, 1no. illuminated totem sign.
Location: Lincolnshire Cooperative Ltd, Corringham Road, Gainsborough
PL24/117 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147371 (12/10/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Outline planning application for to erect 20no. apartments with all matters reserved.
Location: Land on corner of North Street, Gainsborough
PL24/118 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147437 (16/10/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for change of use of vacant spaces on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd floors from E(a)-Retail to (C3)-residential accommodation, internal alterations to form 5no. residential units including installation of 4no. windows to rear elevation.
Location: 4 Silver Street, Gainsborough
PL24/119 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 147438 (16/10/23, 28 days)
Proposal: Listed building consent for change of use of vacant spaces on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd floors from E(a)-Retail to (C3)-residential accommodation, internal alterations to form 5no. residential units including installation of 4no. windows to rear elevation.
Location: 4 Silver Street, Gainsborough
PL24/120 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 146960 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Planning application for removal of existing shopfronts and canopy with installation of replacement lean-to canopy and new hardwood timber shopfronts, replacement of shop windows on western elevation to match proposed south elevation shop fronts, and removal of external lighting fixtures from south elevation.
Location: The Old Town Hall 36 Lord Street Gainsborough
Paper B (pages 15 to 20)
PL24/121 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 147091 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Planning application to renew the shopfront – retain the existing structure and install a traditional timber shopfront, rebuild the top of the chimney, and replace plastic rainwater goods with cast iron.
Location: 37, Lord Street, Gainsborough
Paper C (pages 21 to 26)
PL24/122 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 147093 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Listed building consent to renew the shopfront – retain the existing structure and install a traditional timber shopfront, rebuild the top of the chimney, and replace plastic rainwater goods with cast iron.
Location: 37 Lord Street, Gainsborough
Paper D (pages 27 to 32)
PL24/123 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 144221 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Planning application for the erection of an Extra Care home (Class C2) containing up to 48no. apartments of mixed one and two bedroom apartments, with associated amenities, staff facilities, landscaping and parking.
Location: Former Cedars Residential Home, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough
Paper E (pages 33 to 58)
PL24/124 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 146926 GRANTED (Planning Committee)
Proposal: Planning application to replacement shopfront and facade, introduction of 3no. new shopfronts, renovation and refurbishment of interior spaces to create new shop floor and 3no. flats above.
Location: 1 Silver Street, Gainsborough
Paper F (pages 59 to 86)
PL24/125 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 146927 GRANTED (Planning Committee)
Proposal: Listed building consent to replace shopfront and facade, introduction of 3no. new shopfronts, renovation and refurbishment of interior spaces to create new shop floor and 3no. flats above.
Location: 1 Silver Street, Gainsborough
Paper G (pages 87 to 112)
PL24/126 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 146815 GRANTED (Planning Committee)
Proposal: Planning application for the refurbishment of the front façade, replacement roof covering and conversion of upper floor into 1no. residential unit.
Location: 1-5 Lord Street, Gainsborough
Paper H (pages 113 to 129)
PL24/127 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 147129 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Planning application to retain extensions to the side and front
Location: 19 Ravendale Road, Gainsborough
Paper I (pages 130 to 134)
PL24/128 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: 147152 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Planning application for proposed single storey rear extension and internal alterations.
Location: 46 Spital Hill, Gainsborough
Paper J (pages 135 to 139)
PL24/129 Street Naming Requests
To consider street naming requests received (if there are any).
PL24/130 Tree Preservation Orders
To consider tree preservation orders received (if there are any).
PL24/131 Anglian Water Smart Water Metering Network
To consider pre-consultation letter and associated drawing regarding proposed communications installation for Arqiva’s smart meter network for Anglian Water at The Avenue, Gainsborough
Paper K (pages 140 to 146)
PL24/132 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
To receive communication from WLDC regarding CIL liable permissions since its adoption in January 2018 and status of each one.
Paper L (pages 147 to 161)
PL24/133 Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan
To note the Working Group terms of reference and Members of the group and begin the process on monitoring and reviewing the adopted plan.
Paper M (pages 162 to 164)
PL24/134 Items for Notification
To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda (for information only)
Roses Sports Ground TPO Request
PL24/135 Time and Date of Next Meeting
To note the date and time of the next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 7:00pm.
Rachel Allbones
Interim Town Clerk
Richmond House
Thursday, 19 October 2023