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Councillor David Dobbie (Chairman)
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Councillor Matt Boles – ex officio
Councillor Baptiste Velan
Councillor Panter declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 as a Member of Morton Parish Council.
Councillor Ward declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 as a Member of Morton Parish Council.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday 5 November 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Proposal: Reserved matters application for Phase 1 to erect 460no. dwellings, considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 138921 granted 29 August 2019
Location: Land at Foxby Lane, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members SUPPORTED the application, but requested that comments / concerns from Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue and Cadent Gas are dealt with prior to approval and that the Draft Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan is taken into consideration.
Proposal: Planning application for removal of prefabricated double garage and construction of double garage with additional habitable space/games room above
Location: 12 Ulster Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application, but would suggest asbestos is checked for and dealt with in the appropriate manner.
iii. Application Ref No.: 140293
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 2no. advertising banners
Location: 2a Ropery Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Listed building consent for 2no. advertising banners
Location: 2a Ropery Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Planning application to erect 2m fence along boundary of back garden
Location: 4 Copper Beech Close, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Planning application for conversion of two storey garage, former bakery, into 1no.self-contained dwelling.
Location: 1 Asquith Street, Gainsborough
Members NOTED the decision notice.
Proposal: County development application to repair handrail to tower roof by providing new fixing brackets
Location: The Old Hall, Parnell Street, Gainsborough
Members NOTED the decision notice.
None received.
None received.
The last update received in April was comprehensive and no further update has been received.
Members considered the Morton Neighbourhood Plan Purpose and Objectives document. Members agreed with the objectives and like the relationship between Gainsborough and Morton in terms of the functional dependency but the desire to protect the separate character/identifies of the two communities.
Councillor Ward was attending the Morton Neighbourhood Plan meeting following that meeting and would pass comments back, and also question if Morton had considered any issue regarding a possible Northern SUE ring road coming down Thonock Hill and a possible change in the junction.
Members considered a request from a member of the public to support a request for a TPO on Sandsfield Lane, Gainsborough.
Members felt that they were unable to support a specific parking bay outside a residential property due to disability, but did support a request to Lincolnshire County Council for a H Bar marking, an advisory road marking placed across a vehicular crossing where the kerb has been dropped to permit vehicular access between an off street parking place on a drive or private parking area and the Public Highway.
RESOLVED to contact the Lincolnshire County Councillor for Gainsborough Trent to request that they request a H Bar marking at 115 Sandsfield Lane, Gainsborough.
Members were asked to push the consultation of the draft Gainsborough Neighbourhood Plan, closing date Tuesday 17 December 2019.
Members were reminded that there would be a presentation from the Neighbourhood Plan Working prior to the Full Council meeting in December.
Meeting concluded at 6.39pm