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Planning and Development Committee May 2018

May 22, 2018 @ 19:00

2. Planning and Development - Tuesday 22 May 2018


Councillor David Dobbie (In the Chair)

Councillor Neil Cook

Councillor Richard Craig (ex-officio)

Councillor Michael Hopper

Councillor Keith Panter



In Attendance:                                  


Rachel Allbones                      Deputy Clerk to the Council






Councillor Aaron Taylor


            RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons given.





No interests were declared.



  1. MINUTES (Papers A & B)


  1. Minutes of the meeting of Planning and Development held Tuesday 27 March 2018.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday 27 March 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Note: Councillors Cook, Craig & Hopper abstained from voting on the above resolution



  1. Minutes of the meeting of Planning and Development held Tuesday 1 May 2018.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday 1 May 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Note: Councillor Craig abstained from voting on the above resolution





  1. Application Ref No.: 137338

Proposal:                                 Listed building consent for various internal alterations

Location:                                 Unit 17 Marshall’s Yard, Beaumont Street, Gainsborough



RESOLVED to note the comments for the application were now closed.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137259

Proposal:                                 Outline planning application all matters reserved for residential development of up to 16no. dwellings. Demolition of existing care home building.

Location:                                 The Cedars Residential Home, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough


I refer to my previous consultation on the above and now wish to inform you that the application has been amended as follows:




RESOLVED to note the comments for the application were now closed.



iii.         Application Ref No.:                137550

Proposal:                                 Outline planning application to erect 1no. dwelling – all matters reserved.

Location:                                 Land adjacent to 2 King Street, Gainsborough


RESOLVED to note the comments for the application were now closed.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137560

Proposal:                                 Planning application to add feature lighting to new hotel building

Location:                                 Travelodge, North Street, Gainsborough


RESOLVED to note the comments for the application were now closed.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137416

Proposal:                                 Planning application for the creation of 3no. flats

Location:                                  73 Church Street, Gainsborough


RESOLVED to raise concerns that bedroom accommodation is on the ground floor and a                         flood risk assessment has not been submitted when it looks like the property is in flood                                    zone 3.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137595

Proposal:                                 Planning application to remove existing pitched roof and replace with flat roof extension

Location:                                 80 Lea Road, Gainsborough


            RESOLVED to raise concerns that the height of the roof is the same height as the refused application.



vii.        Application Ref No.:                137664

Proposal:   Planning application for creation of new units with class use of B2-B8 with ancillary trade counter, including extension and refurbishment of existing units with alterations to the existing service yard including; parking bays and associated external landscaping with refuse compound, perimeter fencing, gabion retaining walls and the remodelling of existing vehicle entry locations.

Location: Strawsons Building Grange Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate, Gainsborough


Note: Councillor Dobbie declareda non pecuniary interest as a former employee.


            RESOLVED to support the application.



viii.       Application Ref No.:                137614

Proposal:                                 Planning application to erect ground and first floor extension, erection of porch and various alterations.

Location:                                 31, Beaufort Street, Gainsborough


            RESOLVED to raise concerns over loss of sunlight, over shadowing, loss of privacy and it is not inkeeping with the neighbours.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137508

Proposal: Listed building consent for change of use of doctors surgery with associated offices and living accomodation to mixed use of cafe and offices to upper floors.

Location:                                 2a Ropery Road, Gainsborough


I refer to my previous consultation on the above and now wish to inform you that the application has been amended as follows.


            AMENDED PLANS.


                        RESOLVED to not concerns from local neighbours and no flood risk assessment.



  1. DECISION NOTICES (Papers C – L)


  1. Application Ref No.: 137380

Proposal:                                 Planning application to install 2no. rapid electric vehicle charging stations amendment to 137091 granted 09 February 2018

Location:                                 Marshall’s Yard, Beaumont Street, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137393

Proposal:                                 Prior approval to extend dwellinghouse 8m from rear wall of original dwellinghouse, 3.52m to height of eaves of enlarged part of dwellinghouse and 3.52m to highest point of enlarged part of dwellinghouse.

Location:                                 80 Lea Road, Gainsborough




                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



iii.         Application Ref No.:                137322

Proposal:                                 Planning application for change of use of land to car park for a period of 3 years

Location:                                 Land between North Street and Church Street, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137473

Proposal:                                 Planning application for the installation of 3no. new windows

Location:                                 West Lindsey Leisure Centre, The Avenue, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137396

Proposal:                                 Planning application for erection of a single storey extension to the scalding and plucking section of the existing factory

Location:                                 Noble Foods Ltd, Corringham Road, Gainsborough


                                      RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137282

Proposal:                                 Planning application for change of use from office to residential with minor internal and external alterations.

Location:                                 9 Spring Gardens, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



vii.        Application Ref No.:                135132

Proposal:                                 Planning application for residential development of 18no. dwellings

Location:                                 Land to the rear of 227-257 Lea Road, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



viii.       Application Ref No.:                137300

Proposal:                                 Planning application to demolish an existing timber framed conservatory structure and erect new conservatory

Location:                                 Richmond House, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. Application Ref No.: 137301

Proposal:                                 Listed building consent to demolish an existing timber framed conservatory structure and erect new conservatory

Location:                                 Richmond House, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough


                        RESOLVED to note the outcome application.


  1. Application Ref No.: 137259

Proposal:                                 Outline planning application all matters reserved for residential development of up to 16no. dwellings. Demolition of existing care home building.

Location:                                 The Cedars Residential Home, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough


                    RESOLVED to note the outcome application.



  1. STREET NAMING (Paper M)


Members noted the request to name a new street after Mrs Florence Spicksley, the first female   Councillor and Chairperson of the Gainsborough UDC, in recognition of the long hours of service             she provided to Gainsborough.


RESOLVED to approve the request and ask WLDC to look into other well-known local                                 Councillors when naming a new housing estate.





None received.





No report given.





Councillors Cook, Craig, Dobbie and Hopper expressed an interest in attending.


RESOLVED to contact WLDC to see if they would allow 4 representative Councillors to                                   attend the planning training, if not finalise attendees at the next meeting.


Meeting concluded at 7:55


May 22, 2018
Event Category:


Richmond House
Richmond House, Richmond Park
GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire DN21 2RJ United Kingdom