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Councillor Steven Ward (In the Chair)
Councillor Matt Boles
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Keith Panter
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: x2 Lincolnshire Police PCSO’s
x2 Members of the public
Councillor Richard Craig
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
None received.
RESOLVED to under Standing Order 14d alter the order of business and take item 6 next.
Two Members of the public were present to inform Member of recent incidents at the cemetery, advising there have been multiple thefts of small items from graves, and requesting that CCTV be installed in the cemetery.
The Chairman suggested due to no budget provision being available that the matter be referred to Full Council for full discussion and report from the Clerk.
Some Members were unhappy due to not having a report from the complaint from the Clerk prior to the meeting. Stating they would like facts of how many complaints had been received and a report from the Police on the incidents.
Councillor Boles advised the Members of the public that he would be in contact once the Clerk had returned to work and the Clerk would be asked to organise a meeting to collate all information on the complaints to include in a report.
RESOLVED to refer to Full Council the consideration of a complaint/campaign regarding the theft of items from graves in the General Cemetery and associated request for CCTV to be installed but in the meantime, seek further information with regard to the complaint and arrange for a detailed report to be provided to Full Council. The Clerk to organise a meeting with the complainants and other members in order to consider the further information required including details of the complaint and ideally police reports on the issue.
Note: Members of the public and Police left the meeting.
Councillor Dobbie was unhappy with not having a report before discussing the issue and made a derogatory comment about the Clerk.
RESOLVED to defer the approval of the minutes due to Members not providing the Officers with the relevant wording for item 14. Councillor Boles advised he would chase it up with Councillor Craig.
Note: Councillors Clarke and Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Management and Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 20 March 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Boles and Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Management and Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 1 May 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Boles abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members considered at length Paper D.
RESOLVED that Members accept the transactions in Paper D – Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 14 May 2018.
Members considered Paper E.
RESOLVED that Members note Paper E – Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 14 May 2018.
iii. Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 15 March 2018 (Paper F)
RESOLVED that Members note Paper F Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 14 May 2018.
Members noted the survey report received.
The Deputy Clerk advised that quotations were being sought.
Councillor Key was not happy that quotations were being sought when Management and Finance Committee had not discussed the matter yet.
RESOLVED to note the survey and note that quotations were being sought and will be received in due course.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude public and press.
Members considered the report and future management of Love Lane garages.
The Committee are happy to facilitate tenants purchasing the land and do not want to kick people out that do not want to buy
RESOLVED that Members require further information and detail within the report and which tenants are wanting to purchase the land.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Boles voted against the above resolution.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to take items 10 & 11 next.
Members considered and review quotes received and agree contractor to be appointed.
RESOLVED to accept quotations from Otter Roofing for external works to Richmond House and Mark McCorrie for internal works with a total cost of £4,293.
Note: Councillor Ward abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members considered recommendation from Personnel Committee:
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to acquire a lease hire vehicle in accordance with officer recommendation detailed in the report.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to create appropriate budget provision from General Reserves for lease hire costs, insurance and fuel and agree the acquisition of a funder maintained lease hire agreement for a Peugeot Partner L1850 on a 2-year agreement.
RESOLVED to allow press and public back into the meeting.
Members considered request for updating engraving on civic chain.
RESOLVED to get quotations to updating engraving on the civic chain.
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution.
Members considered recommendation from Personnel Committee:
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to recruit a new Cleaner on the following terms:
RESOLVED to recruit a new Cleaner on the following terms:
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
To receive and recommend approval to Full Council of the end of year accounts for yearend 31st March 2018
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to approve end of year accounts for yearend 31st March 2018
Note: Councillor Panter declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Chairman of the Community Rail Partnership for the West Lindsey area.
Members considered the request for salary support funding for CRP officer.
Some Members felt other stations on the line should be contributing, and would struggle to support due to Gainsborough residents paying twice through GTC & WLDC.
It was proposed by Councillor Key, seconded by Councillor Dobbie to make a financial donation of £2000 to the Community Rail Partnership with such funds to be used for the salary of an officer to work on behalf of the Partnership. These funds to be made available on the strict condition that 10% of the contribution is returned to the Town Council if the Rail Partnership does not use their 10% contingency funds on salary and employment costs.
At the request of Councillor Dobbie, a recorded vote was taken as follows: –
For – Councillors Dobbie, Key, Ward
Against – Councillors Boles, Clare
Abstain – Councillor Panter
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a financial donation of £2000 to the Community Rail Partnership with such funds to be used for the salary of an officer to work on behalf of the Partnership. These funds to be made available on the strict condition that 10% of the contribution is returned to the Town Council if the Rail Partnership does not use their 10% contingency funds on salary and employment costs.
Members considered change of Council Bank accounts.
RESOLVED to leave with the RFO to speak with HSBC and put together a paper to a future meeting setting out all options.
Members considered officer request to close offices for a period of 1 week, at a time to be agreed, in order for staff to undertake a council archives audit as part of GDPR compliance.
RESOLVED to accept the officer request to close offices for a period of 1 week, at a time to be agreed, in order for staff to undertake a council archives audit as part of GDPR compliance, on the proviso that phone messages and emails are checked and answered.
Meeting closed at 8.53pm