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Councillor Dobbie
Councillor Keith Panter (Ex Officio)
Councillor James Ward
Sheila Bibb
Claire Hill (Town Clerk)
Michael Hopper (Chair)
Matthew Gleadell
In Attendance:
Jessica Flowers (Administration Support Officer)
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
Cllr Richard Craig
Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and progress against actions noted.
RESOLVED that Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 July 2019 be confirmed as a true record of the meeting.
Cllr Dobbie arrived at 13.40pm
The group noted the actions from the previous meeting and that the town centre area of the draft plan had been revised as previously agreed.
Appendix D – Non designated heritage assets
The group reviewed the latest version and noted the following amends:
Appendix G – Green network infrastructure study
The group were happy with the version as presented
It was noted that there should be an insertion into the draft reflecting that it was drafted August 2019 and it is recognised that some of the information such as facility lists etc will be as at that point in time.
The group discussed the key themes as drafted and the consensus was that this would work as an aid to consultation and linked well to the community outcomes within the plan. It was suggested that the images contain a reference to the relevant area of the draft plan, signposting consultees to where more technical detail is available. Discussion ensued as to consultation activities and the wish to repeat some of the school activities. A member of the group highlighted the officer capacity constraints and that the examiners will look at summary of consultation activities rather than detail of each activity.
It was agreed that the Head of Parish school would be contacted to ascertain if there was an appetite to repeat a similar ‘youth council’ activity and if so the NHP consultation could form part of that agenda.
The group approved the cover letter for statutory consultees as drafted in Paper E and agreed that this activity for the statutory 6week period should start as soon as the draft plan was finalised and uploaded to the RAGE website.
Following review of the current timeline and noting the Regulation 14 training in early October 2019 it was agreed wider public consultation activities would be delayed and that as a result referendum in May 2020 was more likely than the existing estimate of March 2020.
Future actions were agreed as detailed on the agenda.
The Clerk had previously expressed to the Chair her wish to remain part of the group beyond her departure as the Clerk. A nomination was made and seconded and it was agreed that she would continue as a member of the Executive Committee as a member of the public.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held in early October and dates would be circulated in due course.
The Chair and Cllr Dobbie thanked the current and previous officers for the work to date.
There was no further business.
The meeting closed at 2.50pm.