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Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor Paul Key
In Attendance: Claire Hill
A member of the public attended as representative of Connexions Youth Council who are exploring the possibility of a MUGA in this area.
RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Craig as the Chair of the Working Group.
None received.
None made.
The Working Group reviewed and noted the remit of the group as set out within structure and functions.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record. A Member abstained from voting.
The group reviewed the actions as set out in the Minutes of the previous meeting and NOTED the following:
The remaining actions were deemed to be no longer relevant to the project.
The Clerk referred Member to previous consultation activity undertaken with Parish School and the resulting suggestions for new equipment.
It was agreed that site aspirations using the existing consultation results should be the focus of the next meeting, along with further information as to the proposed MUGA.
Members considered the broader objectives of the project such a landscaping, possible public toilet provision and CCTV coverage.
Actions to be completed ahead of the next meeting were agreed as follows:
As is site photos
Plan to be drawn up from free mapping resource
Sport England funding to be researched
Previous consultation to be shared with Group members
Muga size requirements
This was agreed as Monday 1st July 2019 at 10.00am