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Councillor Lesley Rollings (Chairman)
Councillor Matt Boles
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio)
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
None received.
RESOLVED that Councillor Clews be elected Vice Chairman of the Community Services Committee for 2019/20.
RESOLVED that commencement time of scheduled Community Services Committee meetings in 2019/20 be 6:30pm.
Note: The Chairman advised that if the time didn’t suit other Members it could be looked at again.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 9 April 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.
The Clerk highlighted that the Town Council had contributed £5,000 towards a wider funding bid to the Arts Council for £100,000 alongside a WLDC contribution of £30,000 for the 2019 & 2020 Mayflower 400 project.
The 2019 Illuminate Parade will be incorporated into the enhanced 2 day Christmas Switch on event and will depart from the Old Hall through the town centre up to Marshalls Yard and will culminate with a silent Christmas Lights switch on event on Saturday 16 November 2019.
She advised that discussions were taking place to explore a Mayflower 400 Civic event and that she was meeting with Dr Anna Scott on 14 June to this end.
Councillor Rollings requested if a civic event is held that all Town Councillors are invited due to the contribution made.
Members were advised that the War Memorial will be on the agenda of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday and War Memorial Working Group and a report will follow to the committee in due course.
Members were advised that the Levellings Improvement Working Group met earlier on in the day, but prior to that their last meeting was held in March 2018. At the meeting the group had discussed the agreed actions from March 2018 and subsequent consultation with Parish Church School pupils. Another meeting has been arranged for 1st July at 10am to look at aspirations for the site, wider consultation and funding.
Councillor Boles expressed his disappointment that having raised his dissatisfaction with the time of the initial meeting a further daytime meeting had been called without consultation with the wider working group membership.
Councillor Boles requested that the Clerk consult with all working group Members when calling meetings for that particular working group to ensure members attendance and input.
Members NOTED the update.
Councillor Boles requested that the parking on Middlefield Lane adjacent to Marshalls Sports Ground is restricted in order to not block the highway.
Members were advised that contact had already been made to LCC Highways department in order to ascertain what measures we can take to avoid parking on the highway.
The Clerk advised that in December 2018 the Committee RESOLVED that they supported the proposal ‘That Gainsborough Town Council look at marking the 100th anniversary of Remembrance Day with a beacon lighting and Poppy cascade’ in its current form and agrees to store the completed poppies at Richmond House.
Apart from the making of poppies the Town Council are unaware of any further progress made in relation to permissions for the cascade. The item will be put on the agenda of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday and War Memorial Working Group in July and will report back to the committee.
Members NOTED the report.
Councillor Rollings requested that Alison Shipperbottom from Marshalls Yard be invited to present to the Committee the plans for Christmas lights switch on 2019.
Members NOTED the age and need of replacement of some of the town centre lights.
Members were of the view that they would like to see an improvement in the lights within the town.
RESOLVED to get quotes to improve the Christmas tree lights for 2019, and bring a future paper to Committee with options on new / revamped decorations and possible lease arrangements for 2020 onwards.
Members NOTED the report.
RESOLVED that the Committee agree to remove the Green Spaces standing item from future agendas.
Note: Councillor Plastow declared a non-pecuniary interest as his son works at Affordable Foods.
Councillor Lambie proposed awarding £1,000, no seconder was forthcoming.
RESOLVED to grant Eudiamonia £500 towards the set up of a freezer room facility at Affordable Foods.
Note: Councillors Lambie & Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members were advised that Committee had previously agreed to waiver the £400 venue hire charge and award a £500 grant towards the weekend tournament.
The tournament was cut from 2 days to 1 day due to the lack of interest from older aged teams.
The Clerk advised that full day charges are not fixed in the current fees and charges schedule and will be an item for Management and Finance Committee at their next meeting.
RESOLVED that once an all-day site hire charge is established by Management and Finance Committee a £400 Community Grant is awarded less the all-day site hire charge.
Members NOTED the update.
RESOLVED that: –
Councillor Boles requested the Clerk to contact Councillors Rainsforth & Young to explain the position in relation to Shakesphere Street Bus Shelter.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 10.a.xi to exclude the press and public from the meeting in respect of confidential or other information which is prejudicial to the public interest.
Note: Councillor Panter left the meeting at 8:30pm.
Members consider quotations for green waste clearance ahead of options for securing the general cemetery compound and ongoing green waste maintenance / removal.
Members NOTED the report and quotations received.
RESOLVED to accept the quotation of £3,260 from Croft Drainage Solutions to install septic tank and repair / replace x2 manhole covers and frames.
RESOLVED to revoke Standing Order 10.a.xi and allow press and public to re-join the meeting.
Members considered request from Acis & Disability Network for use of Levellings for community
events in summer 2019.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMED TO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE that Committee supports use of the Levellings site for both Acis & Disability Network events and to waiver the fee other than a refundable key and site deposit.
Members considered a request for discounted / free use of Roses site to support All Stars 8 week junior cricket programme. Members noted the wider implications for cricket provision and development within the town.
Note: Councillor Plastow left the meeting at 8:55pm.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to support waivering the fee for Lincs County Cricket in association with Gainsborough Trinity Foundation for use of Roses for delivery of their 8 week All Stars junior cricket programme.
Members received an update from the Clerk on Memorial testing in the General Cemetery. Members NOTED that a paper would be going to Management and Finance Committee to look at external support for the project.
Members considered quotations received to tree works at Spital Hill Allotments and the General Cemetery.
Discussion ensued regarding the wider programme of tree works and for partnership working with neighbouring parishes.
Members NOTED update on new activity within Richmond Park.
The meeting closed at 9.16pm