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Councillor Richard Craig (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Key – arrived at 11.40am
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO – arrived at the meeting at 11.40am
Also in Attendance: Ms Magda Read – Associate Lecturer at University of Lincoln
Accompanied by the Head of Faculty for International Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of Lincoln
Sean Alcock – Operations Manager
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Levellings Site Improvement Working Group meeting held on Friday 23 August 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
The presentation considered effective project management and the feasibility of the Levellings development. The intention is that the University be engaged in completing a feasibility study and community consultation as part of the project in conjunction with the working group and Lincoln University Students. Considering all aspects of developing the Levellings site, which will include site planning, costing of equipment and landscaping of the park.
Note: Councillor Key and the Deputy Clerk arrived at the meeting at 11.40am
The group reviewed the actions as set out in the Minutes of the previous meeting and NOTED the following:
Actions to be completed ahead of the next meeting were agreed as follows:
Agreed as Friday 18 October at 10am subject to quotations being available.
The meeting closed at 11.58am