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Councillor Richard Craig (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Councillor Matt Boles
Representative from Connexions Youth Council
None made.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Levellings Site Improvement Working Group meeting held on Wednesday 12 June 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: A Member abstained from voting.
The group reviewed the actions as set out in the Minutes of the previous meeting and NOTED the following:
The group reviewed the photographs of the site in its current state. It was felt that sight of the previous ROSPA inspection report would be helpful and that the Operations Manager should attend the next working group meeting to give further information regards the fenced off area and to assist with exploring any short-term improvements to the equipment already in situ.
Members discussed utilising the existing hard standing for a MUGA and agreed that development of any hard facilities should be within / adjacent to the existing activity area.
In terms of the existing pavilion Members wanted to explore this being opened as a public toilet facility longer term.
The borders to the site were discussed noting the need for landscaping and re-establishment of fencing areas for the site and provision of benches and picnic areas.
Note: Councillor Panter left the meeting at 10.50am
Actions to be completed ahead of the next meeting were agreed as follows:
Note: Councillor Key left the meeting at 11.10am
This was proposed as Friday 9th August at 10.am
The meeting closed at 11.12am