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Councillor Keith Panter (In the Chair)
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Pat O’Connor
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Lesley Rollings
Councillor Baptiste Velan
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Matthew Boles
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Sally Loates
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Kenneth Woolley
None declared.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2019 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Craig and Rollings abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED to note the Mayors Diary.
RESOLVED to NOTE draft minutes.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a budget virement from General Reserves to the Ear Marked Reserve ‘General Green Waste Removal’ of £750 to increase the Ear Marked Reserve ‘General Green Waste Removal’ to £3,250.
RESOLVED to make a budget virement from General Reserves to the Ear Marked Reserve ‘General Green Waste Removal’ of £750 to increase the Ear Marked Reserve ‘General Green Waste Removal’ to £3,250.
Note: Councillors Clarke & Key voted against the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Davies abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL that Gainsborough Town Council confirm that their position to West Lindsey District Council regarding Sandsfield Lane South Play area and South Parade play area is that they no longer wish to pursue transferring ownership to the Town Council and seek to cease ongoing interest in the sites seeking formal acknowledgement of such from West Lindsey District Council.
RESOLVED that Gainsborough Town Council confirm that their position to West Lindsey District Council regarding Sandsfield Lane South Play area and South Parade play area is that they no longer wish to pursue transferring ownership to the Town Council and seek to cease ongoing interest in the sites seeking formal acknowledgement of such from West Lindsey District Council.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a budget virement from General Reserves to General Cemetery Memorial Testing of £2,565 to increase the annual Memorial Testing budget to £6,565, allowing for external testing of 1,500 memorials in addition to previously agreed software procurement and installation.
(Current budget including earmarked reserves is £4,000, which was set to meet the cost of associated software installation and training only, the additional funds are to commence external memorial testing).
Members are referred to Paper J of Management and Finance Committee of 19 June 2019.
RESOLVED to make a budget virement from General Reserves to General Cemetery Memorial Testing of £2,565 to increase the annual Memorial Testing budget to £6,565, allowing for external testing of 1,500 memorials in addition to previously agreed software procurement and installation.
We propose a motion to reverse the resolution of Council on Tuesday 14th May 2019 that all meetings on the proposed meeting calendar be moved a day ahead.
We propose that this be reversed, and the meetings return to the original calendar set out in Paper G App A of Tuesday 14th May 2019. This will come into effect from 1st September 2019.
Full Council to return to the 1st Tuesday of the month, and all other committee meetings go back to the original days. Community Services 2nd Tuesday, Management and Finance 3rd Tuesday and so on.
This motion is proposed by Councillor Davies, seconded by Councillor Schofield
At the request of Councillor Davies a recorded vote was taken as follows: –
For: – Councillors Clarke, Davies, Key, O’Connor
Against: – Councillors Clews, Dannatt, Panter, Plastow, Rollings, Velan, Ward
Abstained: – Councillors Craig, Lambie
Councillor Key resigned from Management and Finance Committee due to being unavailable most Wednesdays.
x1 Community Services Committee
x1 Management and Finance Committee
x2 Planning and Development Committee
RESOLVED that Councillor Lambie be appointed to the Management and Finance Committee for 2019 / 2020.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that Councillor Velan be appointed to the Community Services Committee for 2019 / 2020.
Note: Councillors Davies and Lambie abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that Councillor Ward be appointed to the Planning and Development Committee for 2019 / 2020.
Note: Councillor Lambie abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 10.a.xi to exclude the press and public from the meeting in respect of confidential or other information which is prejudicial to the public interest.
Members considered Heads of Term in relation to the sublease and principles of funding agreement.
RESOLVED that: –
Note: Councillor Plastow declared a pecuniary interest as an employee of Gainsborough Trinity FC and left the meeting at 8.15pm
Members considered:
RESOLVED that Members agree the principle that ongoing support to the site will not continue post sublease and approve the associated HOT as set out at Appendix B.
Note: Councillors Clarke & Key voted against the above resolution.
Note: Councillor O’Connor abstained from voting on the above resolution.
It was proposed and seconded to make a budget virement from general reserves to support the funding of the cricket renovation work at Marshalls Sports Ground to a maximum value of £15,000 and a further budget virement from general reserves of £1,000 to fund the S106 agreement.
At the request of Councillor Key a recorded vote was taken as follows: –
For: – Councillors Clews, Craig, Dannatt, Davies, Panter, Rollings, Velan, Ward
Against: – Councillors Clarke, Key
Abstained: – Councillors Lambie, O’Connor
RESOLVED to make a budget virement from general reserves to support the funding of the cricket renovation work at Marshalls Sports Ground to a maximum value of £15,000 and a further budget virement from general reserves of £1,000 to fund the S106 agreement.
RESOLVED to revoke Standing Order 10.a.xi and allow press and public to re-join the meeting.
Note: Councillor Plastow returned to the meeting at 8.43pm
Members were advised that a Neighbourhood Plan Working Group had been called for Monday 22 July 2019 and an update would follow from that meeting.
Members received a map of Council assets and where asked to respond to the Operations Manager with regards to the timetable for site visits.
To consider Budget Virement from general reserves to purchase velvet collar for Mayoral Chains removing the need for ongoing clasp repairs, to protect the chain and the wearers clothing. Quotation of £280.00 including carriage for dispatch and return. Existing budget for civic regalia is at £80.00 therefore budget virement of £200.00 is required.
RESOLVED to make a budget virement of £200 from general reserves to purchase a velvet collar for the Mayoral chain.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Due to the Leader not being in attendance the item was deferred until the next meeting
The Clerk distributed the report and presented same to members.
Meeting concluded at 8.54pm