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Councillor Keith Panter (Chairman)
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Sally Loates
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Kenneth Woolley
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Matthew Boles
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor Pat O’Connor
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Baptiste Velan
Councillor James Ward
Councillor Panter declared a non pecuniary interest in agenda item 10 as a Member of Morton Parish Council.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4 February 2020 be approved and signed as a correct record.
RESOLVED to note the Mayors Diary.
RESOLVED to NOTE draft minutes.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 10.a.xi to exclude the press and public from the meeting in respect of confidential or other information which is prejudicial to the public interest.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to accept the quotation from Continental Landscapes for 10 cuts of the highway verges for 2020, additional funds to be taken from General Reserves.
RESOLVED That Council: –
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a virement of £1,100 from the General Fund Reserve to Valuations (2060/3) to carry out insurance reinstatement costs for building on the following sites, Roses, Marshalls, Levellings, General Cemetery and Richmond Park, and accept the quotation from Drewery and Wheeldon.
RESOLVED to make a virement of £1,100 from the General Fund Reserve to Valuations (2060/3) to carry out insurance reinstatement costs for building on the following sites, Roses, Marshalls, Levellings, General Cemetery and Richmond Park, and accept the quotation from Drewery and Wheeldon.
RESOLVED to revoke Standing Order 10.a.xi and allow press and public to re-join the meeting.
iii. Recommendation from Planning and Development Committee (Paper F)
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a virement of £5,000 from the General Fund Reserve to the Neighbourhood Plan reserve.
Council to note that as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process several matters have been raised by statutory consultees. The issues raised will require additional work from the consultant appointed by the Town Council to work with the steering group.
Council to also note that currently the remaining budget set aside for the Neighbourhood Plan amounts to £4,035.87 (which includes £2,500 of grant funds). It is estimated however that the new work will lead to expenditure in the region of £9,000.
Council to further note that any unspent funds in the Neighbourhood Plan reserve at the end of the project could be returned to the General Fund Reserve.
At the request of Councillor Dobbie and Key a recorded voted was taken as follows: –
For: – Clarke, Clews, Dannatt, Davies, Dobbie, Lambie, Loates, Panter, Plastow, Woolley
Against: – Key
RESOLVED to make a virement of £5,000 from the General Fund Reserve to the Neighbourhood Plan reserve.
RESOLVED to adopt the Adoption Policy.
The list be comprised of the Town Clerk (currently Tom Clay), the Deputy Clerk and RFO (currently Rachel Allbones) and those members on the Town Council’s bank mandate, which currently are as follows:
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution.
RESOLVED that Council notes the draft Parish Charter, that members had no specific comment to make and that the Town Clerk be instructed to inform West Lindsey of Council’s position.
Note: Councillors Clarke and Key voted against the above resolution.
Note: Councillors Dobbie and Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that Councillor Loates stand in as Chairman for this agenda item as Councillor Panter had declared an interest and did not wish to lead discussion.
RESOLVED that Council note the formal consultation (Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 14)) for the draft Morton Neighbourhood Plan and that the following feedback be given:
It is recognised that St Paul’s is outside the Morton Parish Council boundary. However, town councillors felt that the Draft Morton Neighbourhood Plan could have given the Parish Church greater prominence within the plan.
No Members present wished to fill the vacancies on Management and Finance Committee or Planning and Development Committee.
No report was received due to the Leader not being present at the meeting.
Members NOTED the report from the Town Clerk
Meeting concluded at 8.04pm