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Councillor Richard Craig (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Councillor James Ward
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Levellings Site Improvement Working Group meeting held on Friday 7 February 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
The Town Clerk advised that before engaging a consultant Members should consider setting out formally and clearly the aims of the project.
Committee set out that the main aims in the following order
The Deputy Clerk advised that regarding the repair and replacement of equipment stating GTC did not need to engage MRA to repair / replace equipment.
Committee Members stated they had been told previously that the office did not have the capacity to complete grant applications for the project, and that was why a consultant had been approached.
Members considered the following: –
Members NOTED that MRA are not VAT registered and that the total cost to the Council for the works would be £9,828.
Members NOTED that the Town Council did not have some previous consultation documents and that those which had been found were outdated.
RESOLVED that the Committee accept the fee proposal for the provision of professional services of £9,828 on the proviso that 8.6 be amended, as consultation would need carrying out again due to no results being available, and 11.0 be added to include ‘Advising and Scoping works for Grant Applications’.
Members requested that 2.3 of the conditions be amended as it currently reads “All fees and charges under the Agreement are inclusive of VAT”. MRA has since advised “that MRA is not registered for VAT and therefore our total fee bid is exclusive of VAT”.
RESOLVED to accept the Conditions of Engagement on the provision that 2.3 is either removed or reworded to make clear that all fees and charges are exclusive of VAT, and 2.6 – 2.13 renumbered as 2.4 & 2.5 are missing.
Members NOTED the project plan and highlighted that some elements need updating.
Members agreed to distribute the updated Proposal and Conditions of Engagement from MRA Associates, along with an updated Project Plan. Councillor Key is to present them at the Community Services Committee meetings.
The meeting closed at 4.12pm