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Councillor Keith Panter (Chairman)
Councillor Matthew Boles
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor David Dobbie – arrived at 7.07pm
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Pat O’Connor
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Baptiste Velan
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Sally Loates
Councillor Kenneth Woolley
None declared.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6 November 2019 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Clarke, Davies, Lambie and Schofield abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED to note the Mayors Diary.
RESOLVED to NOTE draft minutes.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL that given no communication had been received from the Levellings Improvement Working Group the Working Group Members stand down and the Working Group reformed with Members that have time for the project and ask Full Council what the aspirations for the site are.
Note: Councillor Dobbie arrived at the meeting at 7.07pm
Councillor Craig presented Members with an update report and gave his assurance that works and consultation is taking place, and would provide Community Services Committee quarterly reports.
Members REJECTED the above recommendation.
Note: Councillor O’Connor abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 10.a.xi to exclude the press and public from the meeting in respect of confidential or other information which is prejudicial to the public interest.
The Deputy Clerk advised that the Underlease of Roses Sports Ground to Gainsborough Trinity Foundation is still under review.
However, the current revision received from GTF Solicitors they have now deleted the provision for the tenant to pay the Landlord’s costs of the lease: –
The Deputy Clerk advised that the HoT’s agreed by Council in July included: –
RESOLVED that: –
be reinstated into the Lease.
Note: Councillor Boles abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED to revoke Standing Order 10.a.xi and allow press and public to re-join the meeting.
Members reviewed Member attendance from May – November 2019.
RESOLVED that all future Member Attendance reports are presented in May for the previous Civic Year and remove the % column as for some Members it doesn’t accurately represent number of meetings attended.
RESOLVED that Councillor Woolley be appointment to the Personnel Committee for 2019 / 2020.
Councillor Boles reported that a workshop / round the table discussions will take place on Saturday 18 January in order to get Members talking and aid the Council to function better, and be the it can be for the town.
The Deputy Clerk distributed the report and presented same to members.
Meeting concluded at 8.07pm