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Councillors Present
Matt Boles (Chairman) | Paul Key | Pat O’Connor |
Keith Panter | ||
Councillors Absent
Richard Craig | Chris Lambie | |
David Dobbie | Julie Musonda | James Plastow |
In attendance:
Belina Boyer (TC) | Rachel Allbones (DC & RFO) |
Agenda no |
Agenda item title |
Resolution |
Action |
Power |
FS23/014 | To note apologies for absence.
The committee noted apologies for absence from Cllrs Craig, Dobbie, Lambie, Musonda, Plastow | Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40. | |
FS23/015 | To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. | None received. | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s31. |
FS23/016 | To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. | None received. | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s33. |
FS23/017 | To receive the minutes of the previous Gainsborough Town Council meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).
Paper A Finance and Strategy Committee 17 May 2022 |
The Committee resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting 17 May 2022 as a true record of that meeting.
Cllrs Boles and Panter abstained from voting. |
ASO to publish on the website.
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
FS23/018 | To receive and consider the following financial reports:
Paper B Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 16 June 2022 Paper C Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 16 June 2022 Paper D Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 16 June 2022 |
The Committee resolved to note and approve the following reports:
· Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 16 June 2022 · Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 16 June 2022 · Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 16 June 2022 |
DC to make bank transfer payments once signed off by signatories. | Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021. |
FS23/019 | To approve and resolve to sign the monthly bank reconciliations for 31 May 2022 as per the paragraph 2.2 in Financial Regulations. Paper E |
The Committee resolved to approve and sign the monthly bank reconciliation.
RFO to file. | Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021. |
FS23/020 | To note the final internal audit report for 2021/22 and consider any actions necessary. Paper F |
The Committee resolved to note the final internal audit report for 2021/22. | DC to source quotes for the 2022/23 year, for once and twice-yearly audits. | Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide 2021. |
FS23/021 | To note a report by the RFO on questions raised at a previous meeting. Paper G |
The Committee resolved to note the response from the RFO. | N/A | |
FS23/022 | To consider approving commissioning a buildings valuation for re-building purposes. Paper H |
The Committee resolved to approve the quotation from Drewery and Wheeldon for the building valuations of Richmond House, Marshalls, Roses, Levellings and Cemetery Chapel. | DC to email D&W and organise access to carry out valuations. | |
FS23/023 | To review the following policies and consider any changes recommendation for approval by Full Council:
a) Standing Orders (NALC 2022 update of the 2018 Model) Paper I b) Financial Regulations (NALC 2019 Model) Paper J |
The Committee resolved to approve formatting changes for both the Standing Orders and Finance Regulations to comply with accessibility regulations.
The Committee resolved to recommend to adopt both Standing Orders and Financial Regulations with theses changes. The Committee further recommends that a Policy Working Group lead by Cllr. O’Connor undertakes a full review of both documents and presents findings for adoption at a later stage.
DC to carry out formatting changes.
TC to include on future agenda and draft ToR for Working Group. Cllr O’Connor to lead group to fully review both Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
FS23/024 | To consider adding a staff zone to the council’s website that will give staff access to H&S and personnel documents when on site and authorise the necessary expenditure. Paper K |
The Committee resolved to approve expenditure to add a staff zone to the council’s website that will give staff access to H&S and personnel documents. | TC to progress with DrumBeat to establish staff zone on the website. | |
FS23/025 | To note the results of the councillor devices survey, consider a rough quote for councillor devices and instruct whether to go ahead or not. Paper L |
Members considered the substantial cost implications of this initial estimate and found that on balance the cost exceeded the benefits.
The Committee resolved to obtain a comparative quote from an alternative company. SharePoint would not need to be included in further quotes.
TC to source comparative quote and liaise with current supplier. | |
FS23/026 | To note an email from the Team Manager Property & Assets at WLDC and consider any strategic action to take for recommendation to full council.
Paper M and verbal report |
The Committee resolved to recommend to Full Council concerning : –
· Richmond House Conservatory Rather than continuing with plans to replace the existing conservatory with a replacement more in keeping with the house to work with WLDC and other stakeholders towards the demolition of the existing structure with a view to re-instating the façade to its original form adding ramped and stepped access to the gardens whilst potentially retaining a double doorset. Listed Building Consent would be required for the process. · Cemetery Extension Move forward with the potential of obtaining the former nursery site to the right of the entrance of the General Cemetery (but not the lawned area to the right of the drive) and look at quotations for valuing the land. · LUF Baltic Mill Playground Engage in consultation with WLDC on design, equipment and community engagement without a view of adding the new park to the council’s assets to own or maintain. |
DC to include on Full Council agenda. | |
FS23/027 | To consider contributing to WLDC and Marshall’s Yard market events (from PS23/026) To follow |
The Committee resolved to recommend to Full Council to take £500 from general reserves and spend this and the total of the events budget of £2500 on a 50% contribution to a Food Lovers festival.
No decision was being taken on contributions to the Christmas event as the Christmas Working Group had not yet been constituted. |
DC to include on Full Council agenda. | Localism Act 2011 s.1-8 |
FS23/028 | To consider approving additional expenses for the staffing re-structure Paper N |
The Committee resolved to recommend to Full Council to make a budget virement from ‘Employee Costs, Gross salary 1000/1’ to a new budget line ‘Employee Costs, Governance Support 1000/5’ of £3,400 for the Job Evaluation of all staff and Organisational Review. | DC to include on Full Council agenda. | |
FS23/029 | To consider authorising expenditure on repair and engraving of mayoral chains. Verbal Report |
The Clerk reported that the Mayor’s consorts chain required repair, the names of past mayors needed engraving on to the Mayor’s chain and that the Deputy Mayor’s jewel required cleaning and possibly a more appropriate ribbon. The clerk advised that £200 were budgeted to maintain civic regalia. | TC to source quotes. | |
FS23/030 | To consider authorising additional grass cutting costs for verges until ownership can be established to make the areas look tidier (see also PS23/009). Paper O |
The Committee resolved to include the additional 6,263m2 to future cuts consisting of: –
· Ravendale Road Roundabout · North & South side verges at the entrance to Greystones Road · Grass verge running between Middlefield Lane & Claremont Road · Grass verges on Middlefield Lane, opposite the entrance to Ravendale Road · Grass verges on Heapham Road South, either side of the entrance to Glentham Road · Grass verge at the entrance to Pingle Close The Clerk would continue to investigate the ownership of the various areas liaise with identified landowners and other agencies with maintenance responsibilities.. |
TC to request Glendale to include additional areas in future cuts.
TC to continue liaising with WLDC & LCC regarding land ownership and maintenance responsibilities. |
Local Government Act 1972, ss111 112
FS23/031 | To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only | · Debt Recovery Policy Review
· Standing Orders Review · Finance Regulations Review |
DC to include on future agenda. | N/A |
FS23/032 | To note the date and time of the next Finance and Strategy committee is scheduled for Tuesday 19 July 2022 at 7:00pm. | The committee noted the date and time of the next Finance and Strategy committee: Tuesday 19 July 2022 at 7:00pm at Richmond House. | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |