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Extraordinary Full Council Meeting

May 24, 2022 @ 18:00 - 19:00

2022-05-24 Summons and Agenda

Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available. 

Minutes of the extraordinary Full Council meeting 24 May 2022 held in the Reading Room, Richmond House. Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough

Councillors Present

  Tim Davies   Keith Panter – arrived at 6.03pm Baptiste Velan
Richard Craig     James Plastow Kenneth Woolley
Dennis Dannatt Paul Key Julie Musonda Denise Schofield  
Caz Davies   Pat O’Connor    


Councillors Absent

Matt Boles David Dobbie      
  Chris Lambie   Aaron Taylor  
  Sally Loates Liam Muggeridge    


In attendance:

  Rachel Allbones (DC) Sean Alcock (OM)  


Also present: 1 member of the public.

Agenda no

Agenda item title




Open Forum A member of the public queried whether the Council would be returning key deposits now they have been replaced with combi locks. The council send the question to P&S committee for consideration and reply.





TC to add to P&S agenda. Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, s 1(1). As amended by The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, s3
FC23/025 To note apologies for absence. Cllrs Boles, Lambie and Loates   Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40.
FC23/026 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. None received.   Localism Act 2011, s31.
FC23/027 To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. None received.   Localism Act 2011, s33.
FC23/028 To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items. The Council resolved to exclude public and press on items FC23/029 and FC23/030 being a personnel issue.   Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2)
Cllr Panter arrived at the meeting at 6.03pm.
FC23/029 To formally note the resignation of a member of staff.

Paper A

The Council formally noted the resignation of a member of staff.    
The Council resolved to ask the DC and OM to leave the meeting at 6.13pm. Cllr Schofield would take the minutes for the remainder of the meeting.
FC23/030 To consider a recommendation from the extraordinary personnel committee 17 May 2022 which proposes to full council to authorise the re-grading exercise for the remaining three posts in the current structure and to carry out a professional review of the whole staffing structure.

Paper B

Councillors discussed costings for the review of remaining three staff posts and agreed it was value for money.


Councillors were keen to establish that the review was completely objective and would include interviews with the staff involved to ensure their views were represented.


The Council resolved to appoint Council HR and Governance Support to carry out the Job Evaluation of the 3 remaining posts and the organisational review as set out in Paper B.


  Local Government Act 1972, s 112 
FC23/031 To note the date and time of the next Full Council Meeting scheduled for 01 June 2022 at 19.00. The Council noted the date and time of the next Full Council Meeting scheduled for 01 June 2022 at 19.00.   Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a)

Signed as a true record of the Meeting:_______________________________   Dated______________

Presiding chairman of approving meeting


May 24, 2022
18:00 - 19:00
Event Category:


Richmond House
Richmond House, Richmond Park
GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire DN21 2RJ United Kingdom
+ Google Map


Town Clerk