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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Liz Clews – arrived at 7.17pm
Councillor Richard Craig (ex-officio)
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Matthew Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Neil Cook
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 15 January 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Craig abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Clews arrived at the meeting at 7.17pm
The Clerk informed Members that she received a positive response from Dr Anna Scott with regards to the funding from GTC to the sum of £5,000 for the remaining Mayflower 400 events. Also Dr Anna Scott has agreed to attend the Annual Town meeting being held on 20th March.
Members were advised that the Clerk visited the site with Councillor T Davies last month but no further progress was made to date.
Members were advised that no further progress has been made.
The Clerk advised that the Remembrance Sunday and Armed Forces Day Working Group had now met and were working on a proposed budget which will be tabled for consideration at the next Community Services meeting.
Councillor C Davies advised that a request for stall holders, performers and vehicles on social media had been well received and people are making contact for more information. The idea of a Zumbathon / Danceathon was tabled, suggested between 4pm – 6pm on the day in order to keep members of the public on site for the evening entertainment.
Councillor C Davies advised that 35 people were on board making poppies for the cascade, and workshops are being held at the Affordable Foods shop. A meeting was being scheduled with Vicky from Gainsborough Old Hall with regards to the draping of the cascade from the tower and would report back next month.
The Clerk advised that the event would be expanded for 2019 as detailed in the paper to Full Council, with WLDC working with Marshalls Yard to increase town centre events. The Clerk advised she was waiting to hear from WLDC following Councils resolution to give additional funding towards the Food and Garden Festival in June.
The Clerk advised this was a standing item added as per resolution from Management and Finance Committee at its meeting 22 January 2019 following discussions around PSPO’s.
Members agreed to leave as a standing item.
Members noted the report and agreed to share the report with WLDC & GiB to aid with their bench and bin refurbishment.
RESOLVED to replace the non GTC bench on Foxby Hill which was removed by GTC staff due to its dangerous state in 2018.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE to approve the quotation received by P.C’s to make alterations to Spital Hill allotment gates and fence, making them up to 2m high with mesh fronts.
RESOLVED to approve the quotation received from P.C’s of £700 to make alterations to Spital Hill allotment gates and fence, making them up to 2m high with mesh fronts.
Members noted the report.
RESOLVED that Members agree to award the budget of £2,000 as determined allowing GiB to allocate as required without further need for GTC officer time to facilitate the proposals.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude the press and public.
RESOLVED to approve the quotation received from Fenton Forestry of £300 to top out an ash tree on Spital Hill allotments.
RESOLVED to approve the quotation received from Fenton Forestry of £1,075 to carry out the following in the General Cemetery: –
The meeting concluded at 7.48pm