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Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Keith Panter (ex Officio)
Frank Charlton – Royal British Legion (RBL)
Caz Davies – Royal British Legion (RBL)
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Jessica Flowers Admin Support Officer
RESOLVED that Councillor Davies be elected Chairman of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group.
RESOLVED that Councillor Plastow be elected Vice Chairman of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group.
RESOLVED that Frank Charlton and Caz Davies are appointed as Members of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group.
Note: Mr Charlton and Mrs Davies completed a statement acknowledging their receipt of the Gainsborough Town Council Code of Conduct.
Apologies NOTED from Councillors Clews and Schofield.
Minutes of the meeting of Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working Group held Friday 26th April 2019.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working Group meeting held on Friday 5th April 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Dannatt and Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.
The Working Group noted the current bookings and additions to be added. Members agreed that the group should evaluate this year’s event as soon as possible after delivery to enable recommendation to be made to Community Services Committee regards a 2020 event to enable bookings to be sought earlier.
Members agreed to book Jane Darling to the 8pm Stage slot at a cost of £150.00
Members agreed that officers should discuss options with a children’s entertainer to visit/perform based on a fee of £200.00.
Members agreed to offer the Zorb company opportunity to attend as a pitch holder and charge for their activity.
RESOLVED that Cllr Woolley and Cllr Loates are (as originally planned) the providers of First Aid cover to the event.
RESOLVED that upon confirmation with WLDC, the TENS application will be submitted in the name of Cllr T Davies.
Various other actions were discussed and it was agreed that:
Members noted the following items:
Members agreed to meet the following week on site to begin defining the site plan and to complete the event plan.
Members noted the current position in relation to budget.
Members agreed that the next meeting would be arranged for Friday 7th June 2019 at 9.30am.
Meeting concluded at 10.47am.