Hello all, I hope you are all well.

Whilst out and about these last few weeks I have seen many spring flowers starting to shoot up, which for me, has made me smile knowing Spring is just around the corner, lighter mornings and evenings and some warmth will certainly be well received.

The newsletter is short and sweet for February, supplying mostly updates and opportunities.

First aid awareness

Paul Hooton, Site Secretary at Foxby Hill, is a trained St Johns Ambulance First Aider and has kindly offered to run a ‘first aid awareness workshop ‘along with St Johns Ambulance trainers. The workshop will focus on any medical eventualities you may be faced with on an allotment site. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please email me at amanda.clarke@gainsborough-tc.gov.uk . Once we have numbers for the workshop a venue and date will be set.

Break ins

Sadly it has been reported that thieves have targeted Love Lane Allotments on more than one occasion over the last few months.

I have no other confirmed reports of any other break ins on any of the other sites.

Please can I advise if you are you a victim of a break in, even if nothing has been stolen, please can you report this to Lincolnshire Police via 101 or there is a facility where you can report a crime online here is the link Report a crime | Lincolnshire Police and pass your crime reference number on to me. I am aware that it is only a few of you who are reporting being targeted. For any support from the Police, we need this reporting to show the reality of what is happening.

Stats on reported break ins December to date.

  • Foxby Hill 0
  • North Warren 0
  • Spital Hill 0
  • Showfield 0
  • Love Lane 6 in December and 3 in January

Useful Tips

Smart water has been recommended previously to me by a tenant as a tool to mark your belongings. If in the eventuality an item has been stolen and recovered by the Police, you stand a good chance of getting your belongings back. It also matches the offence to the perpetrator!

Take photographs of your items in your shed and maybe use a marker pen to add your initials to your equipment.

You can add CCTV signs to your garden sheds. Several tenants have invested in CCTV. Wildlife CCTV cameras are the most affordable.

Site Secretaries Update

It was agreed by the Property and Services Committee members on the 10th December 2024 to amend the Site Secretaries title to Site Representative. Nominations for your Site Representative will be open in March 2025. I will send reminders about this in March Where there are more than one nomination an election will take place.  

UPDATE – The elected Site Representative in 2025 will remain in post for two years, or sooner if the representative resigns or is not suitable for the role. In 2027 a further election will take place. The elected Site Representative will remain in post for four years. This is to align with the Town Council elections.

Leaf Mulch

All five sites have now received leaf mulch which was delivered this week. I hope you all find this useful and have come together as a community to notify your fellow gardeners of its delivery.

The Council have more leaf mulch in the Cemetery compound, which is not quite ready, needing more time to break down. As soon as this is ready, we can look at distributing it across all the sites. Grounds Team work schedule will however take priority.

Wood Chippings

Hopefully the wood chippings will be distributed in the next coming weeks, this is subject to the grounds team work schedule.

Foxby Hill

The water leaks have been repaired ready for Spring turn on.

Spital Hill

A gardener is in need of a rotavator. If anyone would like to loan one, please could you get in touch with me, and I can forward on the details of who needs one. Many Thanks

Tree Planting Opportunity

The together initiative has a day of tree planting coming up.

Venue- Scouts Hill- meet at Scouts Hut

Date – Wednesday 19th February 10am – 3pm

If you would like to attend, just turn up, no booking required. Strong footwear is advised.

Bye for now