Due to a water leak, all Gainsborough General cemetery taps have had to be turned off until further notice.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

26.09.2023 Update

Anglian Water have found a leak of 171 litres per hour in Gainsborough’s General Cemetery and, as a result, all cemetery taps are turned off until further notice.

The Council has a statutory duty not to waste water and as there are multiple leaks throughout the cemetery that require attention, as well as the need for replacement taps, the water supply has been turned off to make way for essential works.

Currently the Council is looking into employing a contractor to undertake surveys and will await their recommendations.

Due to the fact that cemetery taps are turned off through the winter, to prevent water from freezing within the pipes and causing issues, the Council will endeavour to have the water supply reinstated in Spring of 2024.

We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. Once the taps have been reinstated and the leak issue resolved, we will ensure there is an update.

10.10.2023 Update

The Council is currently obtaining quotations from suitably qualified and experienced contractors.