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Record Retention Policy

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide a corporate policy framework to ensure that particular documents (or sets of documents) are dealt with in the correct manner; being retained and/or disposed of in the correct method and timescale.

This policy gives the Town Council a system for the management of paper and electronic records. The Town Clerk is responsible for ensuring all Town Council documents are managed accordingly.

This policy is based on the National Association of Local Council’s Legal Topic Note on Local Councils Documents and Records (legal topic note 40), therefore legal requirements and recommended practice within the sector.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all records created, received or maintained by Gainsborough Town Council in the course of carrying out its functions.

Records are defined as all those documents which facilitate the business carried out by Gainsborough Town Council and which are thereafter retained (for a set period) to provide evidence of its transactions or activities.

These records may be created, received or maintained in hard copy or electronically.

A small percentage of Gainsborough Town Council records may be selected for permanent preservation as part of the Councils archives and for historical research.

3. Retention of Documents

Certain important documents must be retained for clear reasons such as audit purposes, staff management, tax liabilities and the eventuality of legal disputes and legal proceedings.

Subject to the above reasons for retaining documents, papers and records may be destroyed if they are no longer of use or relevant. If there is any doubt, the document will be retained until proper advice has been sought from the Town Council’s Proper Officer and designated Data Protection Officer.

Section 7 (Retention Schedule) to this policy is the appropriate minimum document retention periods which must be observed.

4. Retention of Documents for Legal Purposes

Most legal proceedings are governed by the Limitation Act 1980 (as amended). This Act provides that legal claims may not be commenced after a specified period. The specified period varies, depending on the type of claim in question. The table below sets out the limitation periods for the different categories of claim. The reference to ‘category’ in the table refers to claims brought in respect of that category.

CategoryLimitation Period
Negligence (and other ‘Torts’)6 years
Defamation1 year
Contract6 years
Leases12 years
Sums recoverable by statute6 years
Personal Injury3 years
To Recover Land12 years
Rent6 years
Breach of TrustNone

It should be noted that some limitation periods can be extended. Examples include:

  • Where individuals do not become aware of damage until a later date (e.g. in the case of
  • Where damage is hidden (e.g. to a building)
  • Where a person is a child or suffers from a mental capacity
  • Where there has been a mistake by both parties
  • Where one party has defrauded another or concealed facts.

Where the limitation periods above are longer than other periods specified in this policy, the documentation should be kept for the longer period specified. Some types of legal proceedings may fall within two or more categories; in this instance, the longer period will be observed.

In such circumstances the Town Clerk will consider (i) the costs of storing relevant documents and (ii) the risks of:

  • Claims being made;
  • The value of the claims; and
  • The inability to defend any claims made should relevant documentation be destroyed.

5. Disposal

All Town Council documents will be handled in the correct manner for their sensitivity.

As per the Town Council’s Data Protection Policy and the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), any document which contains data on an individual/s or personal data will be retained for the relevant time period and disposed of confidentially. For paper documents this is via the confidential waste bin service within the Town Council offices.

In an effort to maintain the organisation and efficiency of the workplace and reduce the volume of printing carried out, Town Council officers are committed to printing only those documents necessary to have in hard copy and disposing of those which are not necessary to be kept.

Any Town Councillors wishing to dispose of paper copies of confidential Town Council documentation may do so via the Town Council’s confidential waste service or can ensure confidential documents are disposed of appropriately through their own methods.

Confidential electronic documents or emails can be deleted, as required and appropriate (i.e. where they are not required to be kept), in the usual manner – this will suffice as secure disposal. Computer users will need to be mindful of any confidential electronic documents that may have been downloaded to the device being used – if this is the case, users should ensure to delete the document from the device. If there is any uncertainty as to how to do this, seek the advice of a Town Council officer.

6. Responsibilities

Gainsborough Town Council has a corporate responsibility to maintain its records and record management systems in accordance with the regulatory environment. The person with overall responsibility for this policy is the Town Clerk.

The person responsible for records management will give guidance for good records management practice and will promote compliance with this policy so that information will be retrieved easily, appropriately and timely.

Individual staff and employees must ensure that records for which they are responsible are accurate and are maintained and disposed of in accordance with Gainsborough Town Council’s records management guidelines.

7. Retention Schedule

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Town Council is required to maintain a retention schedule listing the record series which it creates in the course of its business. The retention schedule lays down the length of time which the record needs to be retained and the action which should be taken when it is of no further administrative use.

Members of staff are expected to manage their current record keeping systems using the retention schedule and to take account of the different kinds of retention periods when they are creating new record keeping systems.

The retention schedule refers to record series regardless of the media in which they are stored.

 DocumentMinimum Retention Period Retention SourceDisposal
1Minutes and Correspondence
1.1Signed Minutes of Council and Committee meetingsIndefiniteArchiveOriginal signed paper copies of Council minutes of meetings must be kept indefinitely in safe storage. At regular intervals of not more than 5 years they must be archived and deposited with the Higher Authority.
1.3Correspondence & papers on important local issues and activitiesIndefiniteArchive 
1.4Routine correspondence, papers and emailsRetain as long as useful  Management 
2.1Staff employment contracts7 years after ceasing employmentManagementConfidential waste
2.2PAYE Staff payroll information3 yearsTax Income (PAYE) Regs 2003Confidential waste
2.3Rejected job applicant records (including contact details, applications, CV’s, references and interview notes)6 months after applicant is notified of rejectionLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.4Successful Recruitment Candidate Information (including third party referee details provided by the applicant)7 years after ceasing employmentManagementConfidential waste
2.5Disciplinary files7 years after ceasing employmentLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.6Staff appraisals7 years after ceasing employmentLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.7TimesheetsLast completed audit year  Audit (requirement) Personal injury (best practice)Bin
2.8Employee Files and Personal Development Records7 years after ceasing employmentLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.9Disciplinary and Grievance, Examination and Testing, Accident, and Ill Health7 years after ceasing employmentLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.10Job Descriptions and Terms & Conditions6 years after last actionLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.11Industrial Relations6 years after last actionLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
2.12Wage or salary records for the purpose of tax returns7 years after end of financial yearTax Management Act 1970 Finance Act 1998Confidential waste
2.13General Annual Leave Information3 years after end of financial yearEmployee Personnel RecordsConfidential waste
2.14Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Sick Leave4 years after end of financial yearStatutory Sick Pay (General) Director of People and Workforce Planning Retention and Disposal Policy 25 Regulations 1982 Statutory Maternity Pay (General) Regulations 1986 Statutory Paternity and Statutory Adoption Pay (Administration) Regulations 2002Confidential waste
2.15Health Surveillance40 years after last actionHealth and Safety at Work Act 1974Confidential waste
2.16Register of officers interests  18 months after the officer ceases employment with the CouncilManagement 
2.17Third party emergency contact details provided by the staff memberImmediately at end of employmentBusiness NeedConfidential waste
2.18Medical/Self Certificates – unrelated to industrial injury4 years after end of absenceEmployee Personnel RecordsConfidential waste
2.19Secondary Employment and Outside Interests Declaration6 years after Superseded or End of EmploymentBusiness NeedConfidential waste
3.1Scales of fees and charges6 yearsManagementBin
3.2Income and expenditure accountsIndefiniteArchiveN/A
3.3Accounts/Financial Annual ReturnIndefiniteArchiveN/A
3.4Bank statementsLast completed audit yearAuditConfidential waste
3.5Receipt books of all kinds6 yearsVATBin
3.6Bank paying-in booksLast completed audit yearAuditConfidential waste
3.7Cheque book stubsLast completed audit yearAuditConfidential waste
3.8Paid invoices6 yearsVATConfidential waste
3.9Paid cheques6 yearsLimitation Act 1980Confidential waste
3.10Petty cash accounts6 yearsAudit 
3.11VAT records6 years generally but 20 years for VAT on rentsVATConfidential waste
3.12Unsuccessful Quotations and Tenders  1 year  ManagementConfidential waste
3.13Contracts with suppliers for services  6 yearsLimitation Act 1980 (as amended)Confidential waste A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
3.14InvestmentsIndefiniteAudit, ManagementN/A
4.1Insurance policiesWhile valid (but see next two items below)ManagementBin
4.2Insurance company names and policy numbersIndefiniteManagementN/A
4.3Certificates for insurance against liability for employees40 years from date on which insurance commenced or was renewedThe Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 (SI 2753) ManagementBin
4.4Certificate of Employers Liability50 yearsLegal requirement 
4.5Certificate of Public Liability  21 years  Legal requirement   
4.6Insurance claim records  7 years after all obligations are concluded (allowing for claimant to reach age of 25)  Legal requirement   
4.7Insurance policiesWhile valid (but see next two items below)ManagementBin
4.8Insurance company names and policy numbersIndefiniteManagementN/A
4.9Certificates for insurance against liability for employees40 years from date on which insurance commenced or was renewedThe Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 (SI 2753) ManagementBin
5Health and Safety
5.1Records of reportable injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences3 years from date of last entryRIDDOR 2013 
5.2Accident books25 Years from closureManagement 
5.3Risk assessment6 yearsManagement 
5.4Equipment inspection records25 yearsManagement 
5.5Premises inspection records25 yearsManagement 
5.6Accident/incident reports20 yearsPotential claimsConfidential waste A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
5.7Play equipment inspection reports21 yearsInsurance Claims 
6General Management
6.1Councillors contact detailsDuration of membershipManagement 
6.2Lease agreements12 yearsLimitation Act 1980 
6.3Contracts6 yearsLimitation Act 1980 
6.4Email messagesAt end of useful lifeManagement 
6.5Consent forms5 yearsManagement 
6.6GDPR Security Compliance formDuration of membershipManagement 
6.7Title deeds, leases, agreements, contractsIndefiniteAudit, ManagementN/A
6.8Formal complaints made under the Town Council’s Complaints procedure5 years after closure of caseManagement 
6.9Public consultation: surveys and returns5 yearsManagement 
6.10Freedom of Information Requests received6 yearsManagement 
6.11Adopted Town Council Policy documentsIndefinite (archive after superseded)Management 
6.12Members’ allowances register6 yearsTax, Limitation Act 1980 (as amended)Confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
6.13Information from other bodies e.g. circulars from county associations, NALC, principal authoritiesRetained for as long as it is useful and relevantInformation purposesBin
6.14Local/historical informationIndefinite – to be securely kept for benefit of the ParishCouncils may acquire records of local interest and accept gifts or records of general and local interest in order to promote the use for such records (defined as materials in written or other form setting out facts or events or otherwise recording information).  N/A
6.15Magazines and journalsCouncil may wish to keep its own publications   For others retain for as long as they are useful and relevant.The Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 (the 2003 Act) requires a local council which after 1st February 2004 has published works in print (this includes a pamphlet, magazine or newspaper, a map, plan, chart or table) to deliver, at its own expense, a copy of them to the British Library Board (which manages and controls the British Library). Printed works as defined by the 2003 Act published by a local council therefore constitute materials which the British Library holds.  Bin if applicable
7Recreation Grounds
7.1Application to hireInvoicesRecord of tickets issued6 yearsVATConfidential waste A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
7.2Lettings diaries6 years Electronic files linked to accountsVATN/A
7.3Terms and Conditions6 yearsManagementBin
7.4DocumentMinimum Retention PeriodReasonDisposal
7.5Event Monitoring Forms6 years unless required for claims, insurance or legal purposesManagementBin. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
8.1Register and plansIndefiniteAudit, ManagementN/A
8.2Legal papersIndefiniteAudit, ManagementN/A
9Burial Grounds
9.1Register of burialsIndefiniteArchives, Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977 (SI 204)N/A
9.2Register of purchased gravesIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.3Register/plan of grave spacesIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.4Applications for intermentIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.5Disposal certificatesIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.6Copy certificates of grant of exclusive right of burialIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.7Register of memorialsIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.8Applications for right to erect memorialsIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.9Register of fees collected  IndefiniteManagementN/A
9.10Transfer of grave documentsIndefiniteManagementN/A
9.11General Correspondence6 YearsManagement 
10Planning Papers
10.1ApplicationsHeld by Local Planning Authority (West Lindsey District Council)ManagementBin
10.2Appeals1 year unless significant developmentManagementBin
10.3TreesHeld by Local Planning Authority (West Lindsey District Council)ManagementBin
10.4Local Development PlansRetained as long as in forceReferenceBin
10.5Local PlansRetained as long as in forceReferenceBin
10.6Town/Neighbourhood PlansIndefinite – final adopted plansHistorical purposesN/A
11.1To ensure records are easily accessible it is necessary to comply with the following: A list of files stored in cabinets will be keptElectronic files will be saved using relevant file namesThe electronic files will be backed up periodically on a portable hard drive and also in the cloud-based programme supplied by the Council’s IT company.ManagementDocumentation no longer required will be disposed of, ensuring any confidential documents are destroyed as confidential waste. A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.
11.2General correspondenceUnless it relates to specific categories outlined in the policy, correspondence, both paper and electronic, should be kept. Records should be kept for as long as they are needed for reference or accountability purposes, to comply with regulatory requirements or to protect legal and other rights and interests.ManagementBin (shred confidential waste) A list will be kept of those documents disposed of to meet the requirements of the GDPR regulations.