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Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above.
Matt Boles | Paul Key (Chairman) | James Plastow (Vice-Chairman) |
Dennis Dannatt |
Keith Panter | ||
Richard Craig | Chris Lambie | Baptiste Velan |
Belina Boyer- Town Clerk (TC) |
Agenda no | Agenda item title | Resolution | Action | Power |
P&S22/42 | To note apologies for absence. | Apologies had been received from Cllrs Craig, Panter and Velan. | Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1)
& Sch 12, p40. |
P&S22/43 | To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. | There were none | Localism Act 2011, s31. | |
P&S22/44 | To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. | There were none | Localism Act 2011, s33. | |
P&S22/45 | To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items.
The committee RESOLVED to exclude public and pressfor items 052-054 on the grounds of legal priviledge and data protection of personal details. | Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) | |
P&S22/46 | To receive the minutes of the previous Gainsborough Town Council meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).
Paper A – Property and Services Wednesday 10 February 2022. |
The committee RESOLVED to sign the minutes of the meeting 10/02/2022 as a correct record of that meeting. | ASO to publish. | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
P&S22/47 | To receive quotations for Playground inspection, Facilities management, Agenda and minutes management, Website portal for better customer experience, Asset manager, software and authorise associated payments.
Paper B |
The committee RESOLVED to purchase Playground inspection, Facilities management, Agenda and minutes management, Website portal for better customer experience, Asset manager, software and authorise associated payments. | DTC/RFO to place order. | Local Government Act 1972, s. 111 |
P&S22/48 | To consider Grant application from Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society (charity number 1132353) for £500.
Paper C |
Decision deferred until figures received as to how many Gainsborough residents would benefit. | TC to make relevant enquiries and return item once information received. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
P&S22/49 | To receive a verbal report from a delegation of members who visited Love Lane and to consider a request received for fencing and decide on an operational way to consider such applications in future making member visits unnecessary. (deferred from previous meeting P&S22/35)
Paper D |
The committee RESOLVED to give permission for the erection of a “fence” since this structure constitute a plant support rather than a formal border fence.
No decision made on operational approval of future applications. |
Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 | |
P&S22/50 | To consider Grant application from R.E.A.C.H for £358
Paper E |
Decision deferred until information received whether other funding applications had been successful. Committee agreed to fund any shortfall. | TC to make relevant enquiries and return item once information received. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
P&S22/51 | To consider water charges for Spital Hill and Foxby Hill Allotments
Paper F |
The committee RESOLVED to charge the same amount as in previous years namely £15 and £5 respectively and adjust payments in following years once own data on water cost was available.
A recorded vote had been requested by Cllr Key: Votes in favour: Cllrs Boles, Dannatt and Plastow Votes against: Cllr Key No abstentions. |
RFO to calculate exact usage for 2022-23 year and make the necessary adjustment for future billing. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
Public and Press excluded for following 3 items. | ||||
P&S22/52 | To consider and decide on an allotments action plan to progress allotment work until June/July (Exclusion of public and press recommended due to Data Protection and legal privilege)
Paper G |
Decision deferred. Councillors felt they needed more time to consider the plan. | All Committee members to submit their comments on the plan prior to the next meeting. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
P&S22/53 | To consider action to be taken in connection with the pond on Love Lane allotments. (Exclusion of public and press recommended due to Data Protection and legal privilege)
Paper H |
The committee RESOLVED to adopt the action plan as presented. | Bto implement actin plan, produce risk assessments and order purchase of relevant equipment. Cllrs Pladstow and Dannatt volunteered to witness procedures. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
P&S22/54 | To receive a verbal update on an FOI and Allotments correspondence (Exclusion of public and press recommended due to the potentially personal nature of the request) | The committee noted the verbal update from the clerk. | TC to write reply with requested details reminding enquirr of proper procedure for enquiries. | Localism Act 2011 s. 1-8 |
Committee resolved to re-admit the public. | ||||
P&S22/55 | To receive an update by the Town Clerk on actions undertaken. | Deferred to next meeting. | N/A | |
P&S22/56 | To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only
· Marshalls heating and hot water system – quotations for work · Allotments Pond update · Richmond House · Aviary
· Marshalls heating and hot water system – quotations for work
· Allotments Pond update · Richmond House · Aviary · Citizen of the Year · Christmas (Marshalls Yard and West Lindsey involvement · Situating of projector. · Re-use of old Christmas lights
TC to add to agenda | N/A |
P&S22/57 | To note the date and time of the next Property and Services committee is scheduled for 14 April 2022 at 19.00. | The committee noted the date and time of the next Property and Services committee scheduled for 14 April 2022 at 19.00 | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |
The meeting closed at 21.08.
Signed as a true record of the Meeting:_______________________________ Dated______________
Presiding chairman of approving meeting