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Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available.
Committee meetings will be held in the Reading Room at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough. Public and press are welcome to attend.
Committee members:
Councillor Nicholas Coxon, Councillor David Dobbie, Councillor Richard Doy, Councillor Paul Key, Councillor Stuart Morley, Councillor Liam Muggridge, Councillor James Plastow, Councillor James Ward, Councillor Kenneth Woolley
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 20 August 2024 commencing at 6:30pm in the meeting room, Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough, DN21 2RJ and your attendance at such meeting is hereby requested to transact the following business.
PL25/059 Apologies for Absence
To note apologies for absence.
PL25/060 Public Participation Period
Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda. A period of up to 15 minutes is permitted for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Please see the Council’s Public Participation at Meetings Policy and Standing Orders 3.6 – 3.9 for details.
PL25/061 Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
PL25/062 Dispensation Requests
To consider any dispensation requests received by the Town Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded.
PL25/063 Items for Exclusion of Public and Press
To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items.
PL25/064 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
To receive the minutes of the previous Planning Committee meeting and resolve to sign these as a true and accurate record.
Paper A Tuesday 16 July 2024 (pages 5 to 9)
PL25/065 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00534 (15/07/24, 28 days)
Proposal: Listed building consent for new flashing detail between existing listed building & new development, alterations & repairs to existing roof & construction of new wall.
Location: 13-19 The Lindsey Centre, Market Place, Gainsborough
PL25/066 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00565 (23/07/24, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for single storey rear extension and front extensions.
Location: 1 Rowston Close, Gainsborough
PL25/067 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00585 (31/07/24, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for the demolition of the remaining Baltic Mill wall.
Location: Baltic Mill Land, Bridget Street, Gainsborough
PL25/068 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00597 (08/08/24, 28 days)
Proposal: Outline planning application to remove existing dwelling and garage block and erect 3no. dwellings and 6no 1-bed starter home / affordable / respite care apartments over three storeys with access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications.
Location: Land at 8 Albany Street, Gainsborough
PL25/069 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00097 (08/08/24, 14 days)
Proposal: Planning application for the change of use and redevelopment to form 3no. dwellings.
Location: Former Melrose Sports and Social Club, 51 Melrose Road, Gainsborough
PL25/070 Planning Application
To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00474 (12/08/24, 22 days)
Proposal: Planning application for the change of use from function venue to commercial fitness facility (Class E) on the ground floor with the existing offices on the first floor to be retained to run the facility and to make alterations to the windows on the first floor north elevation.
Location: The Weston Rooms, 20 Hickman Street, Gainsborough
PL25/071 Decision Notice
To note decision notice received.
Application Ref No: WL/2024/00150 GRANTED (delegated)
Proposal: Listed building consent for the conversion of the ground floor to health centre including a reception area, interview rooms, meeting rooms and staff wellbeing facilities and conversion of first floor to 2 no. flats including replacement sash windows, addition of rear access door and awnings to shop front.
Location: 11-15 Silver Street, Gainsborough
PL25/072 Street Naming Requests
i. Somerby Park, new site including Starbucks – Proposed name Somerby Park Road
PL25/073 Tree Preservation Orders
To consider tree preservation orders received (if there are any).
PL25/074 Traffic Regulation Order
To consider request from a member of the public regarding parking on Etherington Street.
Paper B (pages 10 to 13)
PL25/075 Traffic Regulation Order
To consider request from a member of the public regarding parking on Mercer Road.
Paper C (pages 14 to 15)
PL25/076 Coach Parking
To consider request from Cllr Ward for coach parking spaces to be allocated in the Poundstretcher carpark on Ropery Road.
PL25/077 Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Item requested on the agenda from June meeting.
PL25/078 Items for Notification
To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda (for information only).
i. Responses regarding PL24/261 – traffic regulation orders response – North Street, and the Church Street and Gladstone street intersection
PL25/079 Time and Date of Next Meeting
To note the date and time of the next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 6:30pm.
Rachel Allbones
Town Clerk
Richmond House
Thursday, 15 August 2024