Welcome to the Gainsborough Town Council Meeting page, all Gainsborough Town Council meetings can be viewed from here.
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You can telephone the Town Council during office hours at: 01427 811573. Alternatively you can email us at: townclerk@gainsborough-tc.gov.uk
Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available.
Committee meetings will be held in the Reading Room at Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough. Public and press are welcome to attend.
You are invited to attend a meeting of Planning Committee which will be held on Tuesday 28th March 2023 commencing at 7pm in the meeting room, Richmond House, Richmond Park, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough.
Belina Boyer
Town Clerk
Committee members: Cllr M Boles – ex officio, Cllr R Craig (VC), Cllr D Dobbie, Cllr C Lambie, Cllr Muggridge, Cllr P O’Connor – ex officio, Cllr K Panter, Cllr J Plastow (C), Cllr A Taylor
Agenda no | Agenda item title | Power/Regulation |
PL23/212 | Apologies for absence To note apologies for absence. |
Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40. |
PL23/213 | Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. |
Localism Act 2011, s31. |
PL23/214 | Dispensation requests To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. |
Localism Act 2011, s33. |
PL23/215 | Minutes of the previous meeting(s) To receive the minutes of the previous Planning Committee meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s). Paper A – Planning Committee 24 January 2023 |
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
Planning Applications | ||
PL23/216 | To consider planning application received. | Article 13 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 2015 Schedule 1, paragraph 8 to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 as amended |
PL23/217 | To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 146338 (07/03/23, 28 days) |
PL23/218 | To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 146315 (10/03/23, 28 days) Proposal: Listed building consent to remove, repair roof on the 2no. single storey extensions. |
PL23/219 | To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 146254 (10/03/23, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for conversion and alterations of a commercial unit into 5no. flats. |
PL23/220 | To consider planning application received. | |
PL23/221 | To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 146373 (14/03/23, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for single storey rear extension and boundary wall. |
PL23/222 | To consider planning application received.
Application Ref No: 146395 (17/03/23, 28 days) Proposal: Planning application for proposed single storey rear extension |
Decision Notices | ||
PL23/223 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 145817 GRANTED (delegated) Proposal: Planning application to provide 1no. additional apartment and change the use of 1no. apartment on the ground floor to an office. Location: 29 Lord Street, Gainsborough Paper B |
PL23/224 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 145967 GRANTED Proposal: Planning application to demolish an existing timber framed conservatory structure, provide a new external door and screen, external terrace with external steps, repairs to brickwork, replacement of external doors to the Mess Room, Tool Store, lobby, WC and demolition of an existing Aviary structure. Location: Richmond House, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough Paper C |
PL23/225 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 145968 GRANTED Proposal: Listed building consent to demolish an existing timber framed conservatory structure, provide a new external door and screen, external terrace with external steps, repairs to brickwork, replacement of external doors to the Mess Room, Tool Store, lobby, WC and demolition of an existing Aviary structure. Location: Richmond House, Morton Terrace, Gainsborough Paper D |
PL23/226 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 146016 GRANTED Proposal: Planning application for a small methane stripping plant and a 40ft storage and workshop container Location: Gainsborough Landfill Site, Lea Road, Gainsborough Paper E |
PL23/227 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 146071 GRANTED (delegated) Proposal: Planning application for first floor extension. Location: 64 Old Showfields, Gainsborough Paper F |
PL23/228 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 145951 GRANTED (delegated) Proposal: Reserved matters application for Phase 1 to erect 454no. dwellings, considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 138921 granted 29 August 2019 – being variation of condition 1 of planning permission 145397 granted 12 December 2022 – addition of detached single garage for plot 384. Location: Land at, Foxby Lane, Gainsborough Paper G |
PL23/229 | To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 146152 GRANTED (delegated) Proposal: Planning for change of use of the ground floor of no. 140 from residential to office space including internal alterations to link first floor of no. 140 to the first floor of no. 142 and removal of chimney. Location: 138/142 Trinity Street Gainsborough Paper H |
To note decision notice received. Application Ref No: 146156 GRANTED (delegated) Proposal: Planning application for the installation of 25no. roof mounted solar panels. Location: Horse And Jockey Inn, 42, Church Street, Gainsborough Paper I |
PL23/231 | Street naming requests To consider street naming requests received (if there are any). |
PL23/232 | Tree preservation orders To consider tree preservation orders received (if there are any). |
PL23/233 | Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) To consider the following recommendation from Property and Services Committee held 10 January 2023 (PS23/151): The Committee resolved to recommend to Planning Committee to spend a proportion of the CIL funds on North Warren Allotments, clearing vacant plots, access road and boundary security. Paper J |
PL23/234 | Aisby Walk S106 Funds To note report regarding S106 funds to be used at Aisby Walk. Paper K |
PL23/235 | Lea Road Traffic Calming To note complaint received regarding speeding traffic on Lea Road and consider supporting the complaint and forwarding it to the highways Authority. Paper L |
PL23/236 | Pingle Hill Cycling Issue To consider concern raised regarding cyclists using Pingle Hill and no chicane fencing. |
PL23/237 | Heapham Road Traffic Calming To note a complaint regarding speeding cars on Cox’s Hill and Heapham Road and consider supporting the complaint and forwarding it to the highways Authority. Paper M |
PL23/238 | Mobile Infrastructure Upgrade To note consultation on proposed base station installation upgrade at Cornerstone 10681128, Whites Wood Lane, Gainsborough Paper N |
PL23/239 | Items for notification To receive any items for notification to be included on a future agenda – for information only Response from WLDC regarding Willow tree on Bridge Street Response from WLDC regarding The Gap off Corringham Road |
N/A |
PL23/240 | Time and date of next meeting To note the date and time of the next Planning committee is scheduled for 25 April 2023 at 7.00pm. |
Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |