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Councillor David Dobbie (Chairman)
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
Councillor James Plastow
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Baptiste Velan
Councillor James Ward
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Councillor Matt Boles – ex officio
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Wednesday 25 September 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Dobbie and Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Proposal: Planning application for two storey side extension
Location: 2 Old Showfields, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: County development application to repair handrail to tower roof by providing new fixing brackets
Location: The Old Hall, Parnell Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
iii. Application Ref No.: 140030 (1/10/19, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for installation of security fence to rear, repairs to cracked lime plaster throughout, and minor external repairs
Location: 21 Market Place, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Listed building consent for installation of security fence to rear, repairs to cracked lime plaster throughout, and minor external repairs
Location: 21 Market Place, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Planning application to erect 115no. dwellings
Location: Land adjacent Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough
Amended layout.
RESOLVED that Members OBJECT to the application due to the removal of the previously retained existing trees.
Proposal: Planning application for demolition of existing housing stock and the erection of 27no. affordable dwellings with associated parking and amenity space
Location: Land off Thurlby Road, Gainsborough
Amended site plan received – Plot 22 has been handed to achieve level access to the front of the unit and the retaining wall that runs parallel to Plot 17 has been extended.
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
vii. Application Ref No.: 140025 (15/10/19, 28 days)
Proposal: 90 day consultation for removal of 22no. public payphones
Location: Payphones Gainsborough & District
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application, but suggested using the boxes for community use as in the villages.
viii. Application Ref No.: 140147 (18/10/19, 28 days)
Proposal: Planning application for change of use of retail unit to 3no. self contained residential apartments with replacement of all existing windows and doors and general elevational treatments, including rendering to front elevation and painting of side elevation
Location: Digitech Business Equipment, 63 Heaton Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: Planning application for residential development of 135no. dwellings, comprising one and two storey dwellings and 2no. four storey apartment buildings, with associated amenity spaces and car parking
Location: Land off Bowling Green Road, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members RAISED CONCERNS regarding the increase in traffic onto Ropery Road.
Proposal: Planning application to vary condition 3 of planning permission 135886 granted 15 May 2017 – amendment to drawings, removal of chimney stacks and front door canopy
Location: 1a Turpin Close, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application.
Proposal: 90 day consultation for removal of 4no. public payphones
Location: Payphones Gainsborough & District
RESOLVED that Members had NO OBJECTIONS to the application, but suggested using the boxes for community use as in the villages.
None received.
None received.
None received.
The last update received in April was comprehensive and no further update has been received.
Meeting concluded at 6.58pm