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Councillor David Dobbie (In the Chair)
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Michael Hopper
Councillor Keith Panter
In Attendance:
Penny Rourke Admin Support Officer
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor Aaron Taylor
RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons given.
Councillor Cook declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 4i as the property owner of 2 King Street. (To sign Declaration of Interest at next attendance)
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday 25 September 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Proposal: Outline planning application to erect 1no. dwelling – all matters reserved.
Location: Land adjacent to 2 King Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that no judgement to be given by Gainsborough Town Council due to information received this evening with a decision notice granted by West Lindsey District Council.
Proposal: Planning application to remove conifer hedge and replace with 1.825 metre fencing.
Location: 8 Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to support application.
Reason: removal of diseased hedge.
iii. Application Ref No.: PL/0100/18
Proposal: New classroom extension, studio hall, group rooms, ancillary spaces and refurbishment of the existing group room with associated external works and increased parking.
Location: Castle Wood Primary Academy, The Avenue, Gainsborough
RESOLVED that Members require more information on this item so unable to make a judgement. No details on WLDC or LCC website.
Proposal: Planning Application for conversion of existing outbuilding to create 1no. dwelling
Location: 73 Church Street, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to support this application with 2 conditions, removal of asbestos roof is done in the appropriate method, and building regulations are adhered to.
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters for the erection of 2no. dwellings considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 133648 granted 23 December 2015.
Location: Milton Road/Dunster Road Gainsborough
RESOLVED to support this application.
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters for proposed residential development of 112no. dwellings, considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 131606 granted 06 october 2016.
Location: Former Castle Hills Community College The Avenue Gainsborough
RESOLVED to support this application.
Proposed in favour within National and Central Lincolnshire Plan & the Neighbourhood Plan.
Proposal: Planning application for replacement conservatory
Location: 2 Dunholme Close, Gainsborough
RESOLVED to note the outcome of the application.
None received.
None received.
No report received.
Councillor Hopper proposed to defer this matter to a later date or to a Management and Finance Committee meeting, to receive report from Clerk and RFO. As no RFO available to make any comment. Legal and financial experience required to look at this item, could affect Neighbourhood Plan.
RESOLVED to refer the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) matter to Management and Finance Committee for further discussion.
Meeting concluded at 7:51pm