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Councillor Steven Ward (In the Chair)
Councillor Matt Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Paul Key
In Attendance:
Matthew Gleadell Clerk to the Council
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor David Dobbie
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
No declarations were made.
RESOLVED to defer the minutes as confirmation of item 14 had not yet been provided by Councillor Richard Craig.
Councillor Key was unhappy with certain wording within agenda item 6 the minutes. But did not elaborate what he wanted it changing to.
Councillor Boles proposed to move the minutes, but no seconder.
Councillor Ward proposed to amend some wording, but no seconder.
Minutes are deferred until the next meeting.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Management and Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17 July 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Boles voted against the above resolution.
Members considered at length Paper D & Paper D Revised.
RESOLVED that Members accept the transactions in Paper D Revised – Unpaid Expenditure Transactions for 26 September 2018.
Members considered Paper E.
RESOLVED that Members note Paper E – Cashbook Summary (including due and unpaid transactions) for 21 September 2018.
iii. Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 21 September 2018 (Paper F)
RESOLVED that Members note Paper F Budget Comparison Report (including due and unpaid transactions) for 21 September 2018.
RESOLVED to accept and sign off the Bank Reconciliation for 31 August 2018.
Members noted a complaint regarding a light shining from Richmond Park into a neighbour’s house. It was noted that the member of the public had attended last week’s meeting that was not quorate and in the meantime the Operations Manager had sourced a quotation for a new lighting column to shine into the park from the compound not out.
RESOLVED to source further quotes to relocate the light in the compound at Richmond Park and look at down grading the quote already received to more domestic rather than commercial lighting.
Members noted the quotation received from the electricians who install the shop Christmas trees.
RESOLVED to agree the charges to business as follows: –
£27 per tree-unit or £56 per tree-unit & bracket
Members consider further information received from Croft Drainage regarding ditch dredging at Marshalls Sports Ground.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude public and press.
Members revisited the quotations received and presented to the meeting in July.
RESOLVED to REFER TO FULL COUNCIL WITH NO RECOMMENDATION to consider and / or approve quotations received for ditch clearing works to the drainage ditch that runs alongside Marshalls Sports Ground.
Members considered quotations received for wall demolition / repairs at Showfield Allotment site.
The Clerk clarified that under the terms of the lease the Council have an obligation to maintain the boundaries of the site.
Councillor Key questioned if we can give the site back to Lincolnshire County Council, in which the Clerk advised it is currently a rolling lease with LCC that was agreed in 1995 for 2 years, but the Town Council have a statutory duty to provide allotments and would need to relocate current plot holders.
The Clerk advised that Lincolnshire County Council have still not definitively said whether they would allow demolition of the wall and replaced with something else even though discussions have been ongoing for nearly 18 months.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to carry out urgent remedial works on Showfield Allotment wall, then to budget each year for further maintenance works, budget to be determined.
Members received a report from the Operations Manager on grounds maintenance machinery. He reported on the current state of the Council’s own grass cutting equipment and presented information regarding the 2 new flail mowers that had been trialled and quotes were included within the paper.
RESOLVED to REFER TO FULL COUNCIL WITH NO RECOMMENDATION the options of a new flail mower, and for Council to determine which machine to purchase, if any. The Operations Manager is to put a list together with any pro’s and con’s for each machine.
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members considered report from Clerk in relation to tenancy issue.
RESOLVED to source quotations for a Licence to Occupy to issue the current tenant for the garage space.
The Clerk updated Members that he had not received any further communication from Thonock and Somerby Estates regarding who or how many tenants were interested in purchasing the garage space land.
Members considered report from Operations Manager regarding Memorial Testing.
RESOLVED to use the £3,500 memorial testing budget as follows: –
The meeting concluded at 8.51pm