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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Matt Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Matthew Gleadell Clerk to the Council
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: Councillor Aaron Taylor
Councillor Sharon Hopkinson
No interests were declared.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 10 April 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Schofield abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 1 May 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Boles abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members noted the progress report from the Officer at WLDC.
The Clerk updated Members on progress of the war memorial development project.
The Clerk advised that currently there was no further progress on the project.
Members received an update on progress of Armed Forces Day plans from Councillor C Davies.
RESOLVED to approved expenditure of £240 for toilet hire.
RESOLVED to under Standing Order 14n exclude the public and Press.
RESOLVED to under Standing Order 34c allow non-Committee Members to remain in the meeting.
Members considered possible future support for Indoor Bowls Club.
RESOLVED to pass to the Roses Sports Ground – Sub Lease and Management Devolution Working Group for further discussion, and in the meantime contact West Lindsey Leisure Centre to see if the bowls carpet can be salvaged.
Members considered proposals received from Marshalls Yard for the 2018 Christmas Lights Switch on event.
RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to negotiate to fee to the Town Council, advising we would still like to work alongside Marshalls Yard and are willing to increase our budget to £5,000 but may need to downgrade the town centre event to suit the budget.
Members considered provision of new decorations for the Market Place Christmas Tree.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to increase the Christmas Lights budget by a further £538.00 from general reserves and agree the purchase of new LED curtain lights for decorating the town Christmas Tree.
The meeting concluded at 7.49pm