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Councillor Richard Craig (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Keith Panter – ex officio
In Attendance:
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
None received.
None received.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Levellings Site Improvement Working Group meeting held on Monday 30 December 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
RESOLVED to agree the amended proposal.
Members NOTED the updated project plan.
Members NOTED the updated timeline.
RESOLVED to present the Community Services Committee with the MR Associates proposal, Project plan and Councillor Craig will prepare a report for Councillor Key to present to the Committee.
Members NOTED the insurance documents provided by MR Associates.
The Chairman advised that within MR Associates scope of work they were going to provide an Ordinance Survey Plan for the site, which the Town Council already hold, and they requested a copy of the lease agreement.
RESOLVED to share the OS Map and lease agreement with MR Associates.
The Chairman advised that this would reduce the proposed cost to the Council.
The Chairman requested agreement from the working group to pay the first invoice of 30% of the cost within the proposal.
The Deputy Clerk requested that the proposal be amended due to the Council providing the OS Map and a revised invoice submitted.
RESOLVED that the working group are happy for the initial 30% payment be made once a revised invoice is submitted.
The meeting closed at 3.29pm