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Councillor Richard Craig (In the Chair)
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Liz Clews – arrived at 7.10pm
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Michael Hopper
Councillor Cynthia Isherwood
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Sally Loates
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Kenneth Woolley
In Attendance:
Matthew Gleadell Clerk to the Council
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: Vaughan Hughes – Gainsborough in Bloom
Anna Grieve – Gainsborough in Bloom
Alison Shipperbottom – Gainsborough in Bloom
X1 Member of the public
Councillor Caz Davies
Councillor Sharon Hopkinson
Councillor Steven Ward
RESOLVED to receive the apologies for absence and accept the reasons given.
None received.
None received.
RESOLVED to defer until after item 5.
RESOLVED to defer until after item 5.
Members of Gainsborough in Bloom advised Members that they need them to support the project in order to encourage members of the public to get on board and move the town forward.
Note: Councillor Clews arrived at the meeting at 7:10pm.
Members of Gainsborough in Bloom advised they would appreciate some grounds staff time in order to assist with the watering of some areas of the town once planting had taken place.
Members asked if Gainsborough in Bloom had engaged with community groups within the town.
RESOLVED that Gainsborough in Bloom would put proposals together for grounds staff hours in order for the Council to consider further and requested that Members be invited to future Gainsborough in Bloom Committee meetings.
Note: Vaugh Hughes, Alison Shipperbottom and Anna Grieve left the meeting.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude the public and press from the meeting.
Note: Members of staff, Councillors T Davies and Loates and the member of the public left the meeting.
RESOLVED to defer until the minutes have been completed.
Note: Members of staff and Councillor T Davies arrived back at the meeting at 7.55pm.
RESOLVED to note the Mayors Diary
Councillor Schofield advised that she had taken Councillor Boles point on board and is organising a Levellings Improvement Working Group agenda and meeting.
Councillor Dobbie insinuated that Councillor T Davies had had the Community Services draft minutes from July changed due to his complaint following the meeting regarding not looking into his motion properly.
Councillor Dobbie was advised by the Clerk and Deputy Clerk that this was not the case.
Councillor Dobbie advised that he must have had a difference in recollection of the meeting.
RESOLVED to NOTE draft minutes.
Note: Councillor Dobbie voted against the above resolution.
Note: Councillors Cook and Isherwood abstained from voting on the above resolution.
i Motion from Councillor David Dobbie (Paper E)
Councillor Dobbie withdrew his motion, following clarity of the resolution from Community Services Committee held in July from when his first submitted his motion.
RESOLVED to under Standing order 14n exclude the public and press.
Councillor Key stated that he did not agree with the minutes that if WLDC wished to pursue the project and allow GTC to surrender its existing lease that GTC should support the project on those terms
It was proposed and seconded that given the current information provided from Gainsborough Trinity Foundation Gainsborough Town Council could not support and pursue the idea of a 3G pitch on Roses Sports Ground any further.
Note: Councillor Loates returned to the meeting at 8:20pm.
At the request of Councillor Dobbie a recorded vote was taken as follows: –
For: – Councillors Clarke, Clews, Craig, T Davies, Hopper, Isherwood, Key, Schofield, Woolley
Against: – Councillor Dobbie
Abstained: – Councillor Cook, Loates, Panter
RESOLVED that given the current information provided from Gainsborough Trinity Foundation Gainsborough Town Council cannot support and pursue the idea of a 3G pitch on Roses Sports Ground any further.
RESOLVED to allow press and public back into the meeting.
Councillor Woolley advised that he is looking at running a Charity Christmas Ball under the flag of Gainsborough Town Council for palliative care with in the town.
RESOLVED to refer Councillor Woolley’s motion to Community Services Committee for discussion.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to send the letter drafted by the Clerk to WLDC in support of the Save the Town Centre campaign.
RESOLVED with the removal of ‘Liberal Democrat’ to send the letter drafted by the Clerk to WLDC in support of the Save the Town Centre campaign.
Councillor Dobbie proposed that a question be sent to West Lindsey District Council asking why they keep investing outside of the district, seconded by Councillor Cook.
Some Members felt WLDC had already answered that question in the media.
A vote was taken as follows: –
For: – 3
Against: – 4
Abstained: – 4
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to create a budget in order to erect a bollard at the entrance to North Warren Cemetery to restrict unauthorised vehicular access.
RESOLVED to create a budget of £200 from general reserves in order to erect a bollard at the entrance to North Warren Cemetery to restrict unauthorised vehicular access.
x2 Management and Finance Committee
x1 Planning and Development Committee
x1 War Memorial Working Group
RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Woolley on to the War Memorial Working Group
Councillor Mike Hopper gave members a brief update in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan
The Clerk distributed his written Clerks report and presented same to members accordingly.
The Clerk then handed his resignation to the Chairman.
The Chairman thanked the Clerk for his time at the Council.
Meeting concluded at 9.02pm