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Full Council Meeting

January 5, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00

2022-01-05 Full Council Papers


Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available.


Minutes of the Full Council meeting 05 January 2022

held in the Function Room, Marshalls Sports Ground, Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough

Councillors Present
Tim Davies James Plastow
Richard Craig (Chairman) David Dobbie Liam Muggeridge
Dennis Dannatt
Chris Lambie


Councillors Absent
Matt Boles Paul Key Pat O’Connor Denise Schofield Kenneth Woolley
Caz Davies Sally Loates Keith Panter Baptiste Velan


In attendance:
Belina Boyer- Town Clerk (TC)



Agenda no Agenda item title Resolution Action Power
Open Forum A member of the public reported that recent resurfacing work on Ropery Road had been left unfinished and double yellow lines needed re-instating The member of the public was advised that this was a Lincolnshire County Council matter. Clerk to bring to LCC’s attention on behalf of TC. Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, s 1(1). As amended by The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, s3
FC22/001 To note apologies for absence. Cllrs C Davies, O’Connor, Key, Loates, Woolley, Boles, Velan and Panter had given their apologies. N/A Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1)

& Sch 12, p40.

FC22/002 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests or personal interests. None received N/A Localism Act 2011, s31.
FC22/003 To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. None received. N/A Localism Act 2011, s33.
FC22/004 To receive and note the Town Clerk’s report (for information only)


The Town clerk’s report was noted. N/A N/A
FC22/005 Minutes of the previous meeting(s)

To receive the minutes of the previous Gainsborough Town Council meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s).

Paper A – Full Council 01 December 2021


The Council resolved that an email detailing the recorded vote taken 07/07/2021 should be sent to all councillors.


The council resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting 01 December 2021as a true record of that meeting.

Clerk to send email detailing the recorded vote taken at the 07 July 2021 meeting.


ASA to publish.


Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1).
FC22/006 To note the draft minutes of the committee meetings and the decisions contained therin.

Paper B – Personnel Committee, 15 December

Paper C – Finance and Strategy Committee, 22 December

Paper D – Planning Committee, 22 December .

The council noted the draft minutes of the Personnel Committee, 15 December and Finance and Strategy Committee, 22 December.


The draft Planning Committee minutes had not been available to note.

Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1).
FC22/007 To receive the recommendation of the Finance and Strategy Committee:


To approve the budget as presented, representing a total budget requirement of £554,358.


The Council resolved to approve the budget as presented and recommended by the Finance and Strategy Committee, 22 December. RFO to publish approved budget. Joint Panel on Accountability and

Governance for Smaller Authorities in England 2021. (JPAG 2021

FC22/008 To receive the recommendation of the Finance and Strategy Committee:


To approve the precept demand for £554,358 as informed by the budget..


A proposal to limit the precept demand to a 2% increase was not seconded.


The Council resolved to approve the precept demand as informed by the approved budget and recommended by the Finance and Strategy Committee, 22 December.

RFO to send precept demand and associated papers to WLDC. Local Government Finance Act 1992, s.41
FC22/009 To approve the urgent replacement of pipework in the cemetery to stop a major leakage at a cost of £3,963 + VAT.

Paper E


The Council resolved to approve the expenditure of £3,963 +VAT for the urgent replacement of pipework in the cemetery to stop a major leakage from reserves.. OM  to commission work. Local Government Act 1972, s.214(2)
FC22/010 To review and adopt a revised complaints procedure.

Paper F


The Council resolved to adopt a revised complaints procedure as presented. ASA to publish.


Local Government Act 1972, s.111
FC22/011 To review and adopt a vexations complaints procedure.

Paper G

The Council resolved to adopt a vexations complaints procedure as presented. ASA to publish.


Local Government Act 1972, s.111
FC22/012 To consider the Council’s pursuit of the local Council Award Scheme Foundation or Quality status and approve the expenditure of £50 registration fee and £50 (Foundation) or £100 (Quality) accreditation fee.

Paper H


The Council resolved to apply for accreditation to the Local Council Awards Scheme and approved the necessary expenditure.

The Council resolved to apply for Quality Status under the scheme.

Clerk to research requirements, audit to establish if and to what requirements are met and recommend any action required to meet accreditation. Local Government Act 1972, s.111
FC22/013 To consider any application(s) received by 31 December 2021 for co-option to the vacancy in Gainsborough Trent ward and consider any further action required to fill the vacancy.

To be tabled

Applications had been sent by 31 December but due WFH as advised by Government and staff absence, these applications had not been circulated in time.

The Council resolved to have an extraordinary meeting 12/01/2022 at 18.30 to co-opt one of the two candidates.

Clerk to summon Full Council.

Clerk to write to candidates to invite them to meeting.

The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 5(5)
FC22/014 To fix a date and time for the Council’s informal creative meeting to formulate a vision and direction for the Council as resolved at November’s Personnel Committee Meeting The Council resolved to hold an informal meeting on Saturday, 19 February 2022. Clerk  to confirm venue availability and

send invites.

Local Government Act 1972, s.111
FC22/015 To note the correspondence previously circulated by email – for information only.


The Council noted the previously circulated correspondence. N/A N/A
FC22/016 To note the date and time of the next Full Council Meeting scheduled for 02 February 2022at 19.00. The Council noted the date of the extraordinary council meeting 12/01/2022 at 18.30 and the next scheduled meeting 02/02/2022 t 19.00, both at Marshalls Sports Ground. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a)






Signed as a true record of the Meeting:_______________________________   Dated______________

Presiding chairman of approving meeting




January 5, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category:


Marshalls Sports Ground and Community Hall


Town Clerk