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Councillor Keith Panter (In the Chair)
Councillor Matthew Boles
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Liz Clews – arrived at 7.13pm
Councillor Caz Davies
Councillor Tim Davies
Councillor Michael Hopper
Councillor Paul Key
Councillor Denise Schofield
Councillor Aaron Taylor
Councillor Steven Ward
Councillor Kenneth Woolley – arrived at 7.34pm
In Attendance:
Matthew Gleadell Clerk to the Council
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: Roy Pell from Good Neighbour Scheme
X1 Member of the public
The Clerk advised that Councillor Richard Craig visited the office following the appointed at the last meeting on 1 May and signed and read his declaration of office.
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Richard Craig
Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Sharon Hopkinson
Councillor Sally Loates
RESOLVED to receive the apologies for absence and accept the reasons given.
Note: Councillors Clews and Woolley have advised they would be late arriving.
Councillor Panter declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 10iv as the Chairman of the Community Rail Partnership for the West Lindsey area.
Roy Clegg a West Lindsey Leisure Centre Indoor Bowls user addressed the Council on their current fight to retain indoor bowls within Gainsborough, and requested that he be the single contact between the indoor bowlers and the Town Council as he is keen to open up dialogue with the Council for support going forward.
Members received a presentation from Roy Pell regarding Good Neighbour Scheme.
Note: Councillor Clews arrived at the meeting at 7.13pm
The Good Neighbour Scheme is an initiative working with Community Lincs who link volunteers to vulnerable individuals needing short term support short term assistance for dog walking, shopping, prescription collections and companionship etc.
A stakeholder meeting is to take place on 25 June 2018 at 10am at WLDC.
It was requested to be noted that allegedly Councillor Taylor had reported more information on his reason for the apology at the last meeting.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1 May 2018 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Woolley arrived at the meeting at 7.34pm
The Mayor reported on recent attendances at various Civic events which was NOTED by the Members.
The Deputy Clerk apologised that due to the current workload minutes were yet to be produced and would be presented at the next meeting.
Members considered the statements numbered 1 – 9 in Section 1 of the Annual Return.
RESOLVED to complete sections 1-8 with the answer YES to the statements, and N/A to the statement in 9.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to increase the Christmas Lights budget by a further £538.00 and agree the purchase of new LED curtain lights for decorating the town Christmas Tree.
RESOLVED to increase the Christmas Lights budget by a further £538.00 from general reserves and agree the purchase of new LED curtain lights for decorating the town Christmas Tree.
RESOLVED to refer to Full Council the consideration of a complaint/campaign regarding the theft of items from graves in the General Cemetery and associated request for CCTV to be installed but in the meantime, seek further information regarding the complaint and arrange for a detailed report to be provided to Full Council. Cllr. Boles to attend a meeting with the complainants and other members to consider the further information required including details of the complaint and ideally police reports on the issue.
The Clerk requested to address the Council before a decision is made, and requested that press and public be excluded for the address.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to excluded public and press for the discussion.
Note: Councillor Key voted against the above resolution as he does not like surprises and if the integrity of Councillors is called into question there would be consequences.
The Clerk addressed Members over issues from the last Management and Finance Committee.
RESOLVED to encourage the Clerk to submit a formal complaint/grievance using policy.
RESOLVED to send the resolution back to Management and Finance Committee to have a full discussion on exactly what information Members require in the report and then bring back to Full Council.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to create appropriate budget provision for lease hire costs, insurance and fuel and agree the acquisition of a funder maintained lease hire agreement for a Peugeot Partner L1850 on a 2-year agreement.
RESOLVED to create appropriate budget provision from general reserves for lease hire costs, insurance and fuel and agree the acquisition of a funder maintained lease hire agreement for a Peugeot Partner L1850 on a 2-year agreement.
RESOLVED to reinstate Standing Order 14n
PAPER H herewith (Balance Sheet)
PAPER I herewith (Trial Balance)
PAPER J herewith (Income & Expenditure Account)
PAPER K herewith (Income and Expenditure Figures by Budget Heading)
PAPER L to follow (Section 2 of the Annual Return 2017/18)
RESOLVED to approve the year end accounts 31 March 2018
PAPER H Balance Sheet)
PAPER I (Trial Balance)
PAPER J (Income & Expenditure Account)
PAPER K (Income and Expenditure Figures by Budget Heading)
PAPER L (Section 2 of the Annual Return 2017/18)
Note: Councillor Ward abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to make a financial donation of £2000 to the Community Rail Partnership with such funds to be used for the salary of an officer to work on behalf of the Partnership. These funds to be made available on the strict condition that 10% of the contribution is returned to the Town Council if the Rail Partnership does not use their 10% contingency funds on salary and employment costs.
Councillor Hopper proposed an amendment to the recommendation and offer £4,000, seconded by Councillor Clews.
A vote on the amendment was taken as follows: –
For: – 2
Against: – 7
Abstain: – 0
A vote on the original recommendation as follows: –
For: – 5
Against: – 6
Abstain: – 1
The original recommendation nor the amendment were carried upon vote.
That Full Council meetings for the forthcoming year should be moved to the 1st Wednesday of each month.
This is due to the work commitments of the Mayor Cllr. Craig and the role of Club Secretary for Gainsborough Trinity for the Leader Cllr. Boles.
The Clerk advised that under Standing Order 22 ‘A decision (whether affirmative or negative) of the Council shall not be reversed within six months except either by a special motion, the written notice whereof bears the names of at least 6 members of the Council, or by a motion moved in pursuance of the report or recommendation of a committee’. The Clerk asked if Members wished to sign the motion before being put for discussion.
Only 5 signatures were received so the motion was classed as withdrawn.
Members were asked to make appointments to vacancies on committees / working groups.
RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Taylor to the Management and Finance Committee and Personnel Committee.
Note: Councillor Boles left the meeting at 8.28pm
Members received an update from Councillor Hopper and were informed that the draft Neighbourhood Plan would be out by the end of summer.
Members were of the view that this year’s meeting fell flat due to lack of public and Councillor attendance. More advertisement was suggested for next year.
Meeting concluded at 8.48 pm