Welcome to the Gainsborough Town Council Meeting page, all Gainsborough Town Council meetings can be viewed from here.
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You can telephone the Town Council during office hours at: 01427 811573. Alternatively you can email us at: townclerk@gainsborough-tc.gov.uk
Agenda & meeting papers can be accessed in the PDF pack above once available.
Councillors Present
Tim Davies | Sally Loates | Keith Panter | ||
Richard Craig | James Plastow | Kenneth Woolley | ||
Dennis Dannatt | Paul Key | |||
Chris Lambie | Pat O’Connor | Aaron Taylor |
Councillors Absent
Matt Boles | Liam Muggeridge | Baptiste Velan | ||
David Dobbie | Julie Musonda | Denise Schofield | ||
Caz Davies |
In attendance:
Belina Boyer (TC) | Rachel Allbones (DC) |
Also present: three members of the public
Agenda no |
Agenda item title |
Resolution |
Action |
Power |
Open Forum | (Members of the public are welcome to present any matter relevant to the wellbeing of Gainsborough Town and each president will receive the attention of the council for a period not exceeding 3 minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes in total. Please see the Council’s Public Participation at Meetings Policy and Standing Orders 3 f-l for details.
Recording, including filming, audio recording, taking photographs, blogging, tweeting and the use of other social media websites is permitted at council meetings which are open to the public. Anyone wishing to do so MUST adhere to the protocol laid out in the council’s Filming and Recordings of Meetings Policy. |
One member of the public handed a letter to all Cllrs to read.
The Chairman advised the Town Clerk would forward onto the Monitoring Officer at WLDC.
One member of the public raised concerns about the vacant allotment plots at Love Lane allotments. The Chairman asked for a report to be presented to the Property and Services Committee. |
TC to forward letter to the Monitoring Officer.
TC to put report to the Property and Services Committee in October. |
Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, s 1(1). As amended by The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, s3 |
Cllrs Lambie and T Davies left the meeting at 7:07pm
One member of the public left the meeting at 7:09pm |
FC23/063 | To note apologies for absence. | Cllrs Boles, Davies and Schofield | N/A | Local Government Act 1972, s85 (1) & Sch 12, p40. |
FC23/064 | To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. | None received. | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s31. |
FC23/065 | To consider any dispensation requests received by the Clerk in relation to personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interests, not previously recorded. | None received. | N/A | Localism Act 2011, s33. |
FC23/066 | To receive a presentation from representatives of Marshall’s Yard about the planned Christmas events and consider any action.
Paper A |
Alison Shipperbottom and Jodie Pacey from Marshalls Yard provided a recap on the 2019 event along with the pro’s and con’s, and also a vision for a 3 day event for 2022 from Friday 18 November – Sunday 20 November, main differences are there will be no MY countdown to switch on or firework display.
The Council resolved to continue to support the joint 2022 Christmas event with Marshalls Yard and WLDC on the proviso the Town Centre have a traditional Friday night switch on.
Cllr Key abstained from voting.
FC23/067 | To receive and note the Town Clerk’s report (for information only)
Verbal report |
The Town Clerk reported: –
· recent arson attacks and vandalism on sites · the installation of the new CCTV at Richmond Park · works are beginning to work through the Richmond House condition report · in person interviews for both vacant post are taking place on Friday 9th September, with a remote interview taking place on Monday 12th September. |
N/A | N/A |
FC23/068 | To determine which items on the agenda, if any, require the exclusion of public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) and resolve to exclude public and press for these items. | The Council resolved to exclude the public and press for agenda item FC23/071, and to alter the order of business and take that item after FC23/076. | N/A | Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) |
FC23/069 | Minutes of the previous meeting(s)
To receive the minutes of the previous Gainsborough Town Council meeting(s) and resolve to sign these as a true record of the meeting(s). |
The Council resolved to sign the minutes of the meeting 6 July 2022 as true record of that meeting.
Cllr Craig abstained from voting. |
DC publish approved minutes. | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p41 (1). |
FC23/070 | To note the draft minutes of the committee meetings and the decisions contained therein.
Paper C – Extraordinary Planning Committee, 6 July 2022 Paper D – Property and Services Committee, 12 July 2022 Paper E – Personnel Committee, 13 July 2022 Paper F – Extraordinary Personnel Committee, 26 July 2022 Paper G –Planning Committee, 26 July 2022 Paper H – Finance and Strategy Committee, 27 July 2022 Paper I – Finance and Strategy Committee, 16 August 2022 Paper J – Planning Committee, 23 August 2022 |
The Council noted the draft minutes of the committees.
It was noted that Paper J – Planning Committee, 23 August 2022 was not actually presented and will follow at the next meeting. |
N/A | Local Government Act 1972, s 112 |
FC23/071 | To consider the following recommendation from Personnel Committee held 26 July 2022 (PC23/056):
To resolve to approve the recommendations of the independent HR report as the proposed changes can be accommodated within the current Personnel Committee budget. Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to the personal nature of the matter under discussion. Paper K |
The Council debated this item after item FC23/076, see resolution FC23/068 above.
The Council resolved to exclude the public and press from the meeting.
Cllr Key raised concerns regarding the change in figures approved and recommended from the Personnel Committee to what was presented for the meeting.
The Council resolved to refer back to Personnel Committee study the revised figures presented by the Town Clerk. |
TC to put to the next Personnel Committee meeting. | Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2 |
FC23/072 | To consider the following from Finance and Strategy Committee held 16 August 2022 (FS23/050):
The Committee resolved to refer the item to Full Council for decision once further clarification on costs have been received from LALC. Paper L |
The Council resolved to approve for LALC for the 2022/23 internal audit services for 1 mid year full audit + end of year mini audit and complete AGAR form.
Cllrs Craig and Taylor abstained from voting. Cllr Key voted against. |
DC to contact LALC. | LGA1972, s.144 |
FC23/073 | To consider the following from Finance and Strategy Committee held 16 August 2022 (FS23/052):
The Committee resolved to refer the item to Full Council for discussion and decision. To consider signing up to the Civility Pledge, as a commitment to civility and respect in our work, and politeness and courtesy in behaviour, speech, and in the written word. https://www.nalc.gov.uk/our-work/civility-and-respect-project Paper M |
The Council resolved to ask the Policy Review Working Group to evaluate the pledge and make recommendations to the relevant committee. | Cllr O’Connor to agenda for PRWG meeting. | |
FC23/074 | To consider the following from Finance and Strategy Committee held 16 August 2022 (FS23/053):
The Committee resolved to refer the item to Full Council for discussion and decision. To consider adopting the NALC Model Dignity at Work Policy Paper N |
The Council resolved to ask the Policy Review Working Group to evaluate the policy and make recommendations to the relevant committee. | Cllr O’Connor to agenda for PRWG meeting. | |
FC23/075 | To note the draft layout for the Richmond House ground floor with an external terrace rather than a conservatory and consider the implications for a change of plan.
Paper O |
Deferred to the Property and Services Committee. | TC to put on the next Property and Services Committee. | |
FC23/076 | To consider if the Council should work with other agencies and community volunteers to create a “Warm Hub” at Marshalls Sports Ground this winter.
Paper P |
Cllr T Davies advised that WLDC has a meeting organised with relevant organisations regarding the cost of living crisis.
The Council agreed to contact WLDC with the “Warm Hub” idea and potential of working in partnership. |
TC to contact WLDC. | |
FC23/077 | To note the council’s solicitor’s correspondence with the Gainsborough Trinity Foundation.
Exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to the commercially sensitive nature of the item. Paper Q |
The Council noted the solicitor’s correspondence and update from the Town Clerk. | TC to continue correspondence with solicitor’s. | |
FC23/078 | To note the correspondence previously circulated by email – for information only.
Paper R |
The Council noted the correspondence as previously circulated. | N/A | |
FC23/079 | To note the date and time of the next Full Council Meeting scheduled for 05 October 2022 at 19.00. | The Council noted the date and time of the next Full Council Meeting scheduled for 05 October 2022 at 19.00. | Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, p10 (2)(a) |
The meeting closed at 8.53pm