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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Matthew Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present:
Claire Hill Appointed Town Clerk (start date 26th November)
Vaughan Hughes Gainsborough in Bloom
Flt Lt Alex Rice 203 (Gainsborough) Squadron Air Cadets
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Richard Craig
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
Councillor Panter declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 11 as a Member of the Community Rail Partnership.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the extraordinary Community Services Committee held on Wednesday 10 October 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Cook & Schofield abstained from voting on the above resolution.
RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Schofield as Vice Chairman for the remaining 2018/19 civic year.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14d to alter the order of business and take items 9 & 13 next.
Members were advised that following correspondence with the 203 (Gainsborough) Squadron Air Cadets, Flt Lt Alex Rice RAFAC formally requested permission from the Wing OC to appoint a Mayors Cadet which was approved. A Brassard was then organised a made and Flt Lt Alex Rice RAFAC was in attendance at the meeting to receive the Brassard.
Members were advised that Corporal Thomas Brackenbury had been chosen by 203 (Gainsborough) Squadron to be the Mayors Cadet which would run for a 12month term.
Flt Lt Alex Rice RAFAC advised that he would organise a formal presentation of the Brassard from the Mayor in the near future.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to create a budget of £200 for the Mayors Cadet from General Reserves.
Vaughan Hughes presented proposals from Gainsborough in Bloom to Members.
Richmond Park
Members advised general grounds maintenance and planting would continue as in previous years.
Ashcroft Road Roundabout
Look into costs to introduce a three tiered floral display
Corringham Road Roundabout
Vaughan was advised to contact Dave Fanning at Ping with regards to the roundabout.
Town Centre
Introduce way finder signage
Look into costs to introduce way finder signage
Introduce flags in the Market Place
Christmas tree bracket around the town could the used for flags for the remainder of the year and look into a flag scheme with WLDC and LCC.
Throughout the town
Benches and bins refurbishment
£2,000 already in ear marked reserves for benches. Bring to the next meeting the bench audit carried out a few years ago.
Promote the allotments and incentivise with free start up rents
Put on the next Allotments Sub-Committee agenda for discussion.
Members were informed of the event details for the Gainsborough Illuminate.
The Deputy Clerk advised that Dr Anna Scott will be presenting to Full Council in December.
The Deputy Clerk advised that the project would be on hold until the new Clerk is in post, who will then take it forward.
Councillor C Davies advised that the Rotary Club are keep to be involved.
The Deputy Clerk advised that the project would be on hold until the new Clerk is in post, who will then take it forward.
Members were given an update of the evening. The Deputy Clerk asked for volunteers for stewarding and stage management.
Councillor C Davies advised she would manage the stage and Councillor T Davies would be available for stewarding.
Members considered whether the Council would like to undertake the cleaning and maintenance of the shelter on Beaumont Street once installed by LCC.
RESOLVED to undertake the cleaning and maintenance of the shelter on Beaumont Street once installed by LCC, and to undertake an audit of the Council bus shelters and get a quote for badges to be attached to the shelters, belonging to the Council, stating they are the Council s responsibility.
Members considered budget provision to support distribution of the guide, or a general support grant in the 2019/20 budget.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO FULL COUNCIL to create a budget of £350 for distribution of the Gainsborough Travel Guide from General Reserves.
Member considered a request from a user to purchase 6/7 a-side goals for the large pitch on Roses all weather pitch.
RESOLVED to get quotations for 6/7 a-side goals and clarify how much the user is willing to pay towards the goal purchase.
Members considered request from Councillor Woolley to have a defibrillator installed at Richmond Park.
RESOLVED to budget for defibrillators to be installed at Richmond Park and Levellings in 2019/2020.
Members considered sending the Love Lane Allotment Secretary on Rodent Control Training.
RESOLVED to take funds from the Allotment budget to send the Love Lane Allotment Secretary on Rodent Control Training along with a member of Council staff.
Members considered appointment of contractor to carry out full assessment of condition of roller shutters at both Roses and Marshalls Sports Pavilions.
RESOLVED to appoint Westwood Security Shutters to carry out full assessment of condition of roller shutters at both Roses and Marshalls Sports Pavilions at a cost of £500.
Members were advised that no proposals had been forthcoming from WLDC to date.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude the public and press.
Members were keen to see the Clerk & Leader WLDC meetings reintroduced and to look at the Town Centre and a whole package and not just the market place.
RESOLVED to allow press and public back in the meeting.
Members considered opening hours of Richmond Park following recent anti-social behaviour.
RESOLVED that Richmond Park opening hours be changed to 8am – 4pm 7 days a week. Gate locking arrangements would be as follows: – gates are to be locked at 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday the main vehicular gate is to be locked and the pedestrian gate left open. Request that Personnel Committee discuss gate locking across the whole of the Councils estate.
Member considered installation of CCTV within the General Cemetery.
Members did not see CCTV in the cemetery a viable option due to the costs of installation and tree maintenance.
RESOLVED to not take the issue of CCTV within the General Cemetery any further due to the cost associate with it, however the Council have undertaken to review gate locking across all Council sites.
Members consider committee requirements for next year’s budget.
RESOLVED to request the following be included in the 2019 / 2020 budget: –
The meeting concluded at 9.00pm