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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Matt Boles (ex-officio)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Richard Craig (ex-officio)
Councillor Neil Cook
Councillor Caroline Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Councillor Denise Schofield
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk to the Council
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: Councillor David Dobbie
Councillor Sharon Hopkinson
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
No interests were declared.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday 12 June 2018 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
The Deputy Clerk distributed a report from Anna Scott, Mayflower Officer at WLDC.
Councillor Panter requested that Members receive more information on the Illuminate event this year.
The Deputy Clerk advised that a meeting had been arranged with the Conservation Officer at WLDC and the Architects to take the plans forward.
The Deputy Clerk advised that we did not win the Kompan competition, and no progress was currently being made due to the Clerk currently focusing on the Neighbourhood Plan.
Defer until after the Working Group has met and had a debrief.
Members considered the request from Planet Circus to hold a circus on Aisby Walk from 7th October – 14th October 2018.
RESOLVED to allow Planet Circus to hold a circus on Aisby Walk from 7th October – 14th October 2018 on the proviso that they provide £1,000 bond and a charge of £400 for use of the site.
Members considered correspondence received from the Air Cadets.
RESOLVED for Councillor Craig to meet with the Air Cadets to discuss further and bring back to the Committee.
Members considered quotations received to carry out works on indoor men’s toilets at Richmond House.
RESOLVED to accept the quote received by ADB Builder to carry out works on indoor men’s toilets at Richmond House.
Note: Councillor Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members considered quotations received to carry out clearance works on North Warren Allotments.
RESOLVED to accept the quotation from K.W. Timmins & Sons to carry out clearance works on North Warren Allotments.
RESOLVED to defer to Management and Finance Committee as there was no budget provision.
i Motion from Councillor David Dobbie, seconded by Councillor Steven Ward
This Council Notes:-
The issues parents of deceased young children have had with items having been stolen from their graves over the past couple of months.
The ongoing anti-social behaviour issues that have been occurring on the General Cemetery.
The recent damage to the seat, provided by myself through Councillor Initiative Funding, at the Reservoir Drive entrance to the General Cemetery on Cox’s Hill.
This Council Has:-
Put CCTV in Richmond Park due to the Veterans Shelter being subject to an arson attack & the Fountain being damaged as well as other anti-Social behaviour on the park.
Supported the setting up of CCTV in the area of the Recreational Hill play park due to anti-social behaviour in that locality.
Other concerns over issues of arson and damage to Council property on playing areas around the Town.
This Council Believes:-
Setting CCTV cameras up in the General Cemetery could be an unacceptable intrusion onto individual’s grief when visiting the grave of a loved one.
Laying cabling about the Cemetery would be disrespectful of those buried close by.
This Council Decides:-
To have the bottom gates to the cemetery closed at the end of each working day by members of Ground Staff.
Look to have CCTV cameras installed on
Members considered the above motion
A Member questioned whether the bottom gates would remain locked all weekend?
A Member suggested a feasibility study be carried out in order to gain costs on the project.
Councillor Boles informed Members that he had been in contact with the public group, and as a group they are happy with the proposal and wouldn’t want to see the gates locked again, and understand the concerns of Members having CCTV over the whole of the cemetery.
A Member advised that they have not seen any benefits from CCTV on any of the Councils sites or town wide.
The Operations Manager advised Members that people can gain access to the extension of the cemetery near to DNC area as their boundaries are not maintained.
The Operations Manager advised to speak with WLDC & LCC regarding a camera on Pingle Hill near the new footpath due to anti-social behaviour in the area.
RESOLVED that Members would like to see CCTV cameras up in the General Cemetery but would find it unacceptable to intrude onto individual’s grief when visiting the grave of a loved one and laying cabling around the Cemetery would be disrespectful of those buried close by. Arrange a meeting with Videcom at the General Cemetery to look at the possibility of locating CCTV cameras on: –
If Videcom approve the locations, source quotations for both electric and solar cameras and report back to committee.
The meeting concluded at 7.46pm