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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio)
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Town Clerk
Jessica Flowers Administration Support Officer
Also Present: Ian Bradley, Dick Lindsay
Councillor Chris Lambie,
Councillor James Plastow – to be late.
Caz Davies
None declared
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group meeting 31st October 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
RESOLVED that Ian Bradley and Richard Lindsay are appointed as Members of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group.
Note: Ian Bradley and Richard Lindsay completed a statement acknowledging their receipt of the Gainsborough Town Council Code of Conduct.
The working group noted the remit.
RESOLVED that the overall event management, bookings, confirmations and paperwork will be managed by the Admin Support Officer.
Name of event – Armed Forces and Community Day, will have aspects of VE/VJ day celebrations.
Town Centre area looking at using, Market Place, Market Street, Lord Street, Silver Street, Church Street, Parnell Street, The Old Hall, Parish Church, Whittons Gardens.
Look at road closures for Market Street, Church Street, Market Place, Silver Street and Lord Street. The Admin Support Officer to apply.
Councillor Davies to contact Sandtoft Tram Museum for use of a bus.
Richard Lindsey has provisionally booked acts for the whole day, all contact s to be provided to the Admin Support Officer.
Members happy with the poster produced through Richard Lindsey.
To come in due course.
Tom Smith is looking / applying for funding for the event.
It was requested that he advised the Admin Support Officer what funding he will be applying for in order to not apply twice. It was noted that all funding must come to the Town Council.
The working group discussed how the Remembrance Sunday components ran. There were no issues identified to be addressed for the following year.
Note: Councillor Clews left the meeting at 10.37
The office staff noted to the group that a tree survey was due to start that will identify which tree at the war memorial is recommended for removal and noted to the group that the Planning Application and Tree Works Application are currently being worked on.
The Admin Support officer suggested an informal ‘brainstorming’ meeting prior to the next meeting, this was agreed and will take place Tuesday 19th November at 2pm.
The following working group meeting scheduled for Thursday 28th November 9.30am
The meeting concluded at 10.48am.