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Armed Forces & Remembrance Sunday August 2019

August 9, 2019 @ 09:00



Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)

Councillor Dennis Dannatt

Councillor James Plastow

Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio) – arrived at 9.08am

Caz Davies – Royal British Legion (RBL)

Frank Charlton – Royal British Legion (RBL)


In Attendance:


Claire Hill                                Town Clerk

Jessica Flowers                      Administration Support Officer





Councillor Liz Clews





Note: Councillor Panter arrived at 09.08am


                        RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working                                  meeting 21st and 28th June be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Note: Councillor Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.





The budget position as presented in Paper B was noted. It was requested that the monetary value of the staff time to support the event was also included in the summary report to Community Services Committee.


Councillor Dannatt presented some of his own observations from attending the event and feedback he had received from the public, which included:


  • Need for clearer identification of the first aid point
  • Increased health and safety checks during the active event
  • Children on bikes caused some disruption during the evening’s entertainment.


RESOLVED that the collected charity monies be donated 50% to SAFFA and 50% to the Gainsborough Scouts, with the final position included in the submission to Community Services Committee.


Caz Davies and Frank Charlton abstained from the discussion and subsequent voting in relation to charity allocation.



The group reviewed the draft report as previously circulated and requested the addition of staff costs and final charity collection figures into the report. Members noted the need to shorten the event for 2020.


RESOLVED to amend the recommendation within the draft report in relation to budget request from £2,700.00 to £5,000.00


RESOLVED to recommend that a shortened event from 11am to 5pm is held in 2020 at Marshalls Sports Ground on Armed Forces Day 2020 (27th June).





Members noted the current position regarding Remembrance Sunday arrangements. The Clerk requested an update on the planned Poppy Cascade, the members organising this advised that discussions with LCC regards use of the Old Hall had been deferred due to consultation with English Heritage as to future control of the site. However as there was now clarity a meeting would be pursued, however should a cascade in this location not be possible then this would be created within the Church.





The Clerk gave a brief update as to the current position and the funds to date at £2,500.00 held in earmarked reserves. She noted the original indicative costs at £60k – £80k for the full project including the roll of honour. She advised the group that enquiries had been made to WLDC as to the need for planning permission if works were just to fencing and ground space via development of the memorial garden only. The resulting advice was “that it is highly likely that this development will require planning permission and further assistance can be provided through a further pre-application enquiry”.


The Clerk advised that the current cost of a pre-application submission to the Planning Authority was £146.00 plus VAT. Councillor Panter expressed his significant frustration at the slow progress of the project and referenced work he and another Councillor had already done in relation to moving fencing. Cllr Panter advised that he would not attend any further meetings of this Working Group and left the meeting at 9.52am. Remaining Members were keen that pre-application advice was sought in order to progress the project.


RESOLVED that a recommendation for the associated spend be made to Community Services Committee.


Frank Charlton noted to the group that the project has RBL support and that a significant proportion of the ‘Clock in the box’ funds will be donated to the project at £457.00. He further advised that Gainsborough Lions wish to support and raise funds for the project but need a presentation of the project including a costed project outline to secure match funding from within their wider organisation. He reiterated the RBL’s position in supporting the project.





The Chair advised that Cllr Schofield had resigned from the Working Group. The Clerk advised that the vacancy would be referred to Full Council.



Members agreed that the next meeting would be arranged for a Thursday in September, after the evaluation report and 2020 proposal had been considered at Community Services Committee on 11 September 2019.

Meeting concluded at 10.08am



August 9, 2019
Event Category:


Richmond House
Richmond House, Richmond Park
GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire DN21 2RJ United Kingdom