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Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)
Councillor Caz Davies
Councillor Keith Panter
Frank Charlton – Chairman of Royal British Legion (RBL)
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Jessica Flowers Admin Support Officer
None received.
Minutes of the meeting of Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working Group held Friday 5 April 2019.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Remembrance Sunday & Armed Forces Day Working Group meeting held on Friday 5th April 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Current budget was reviewed and remaining total of armed forces fund noted.
iii. It was agreed for the office to source 2x feather banners and 2x bases to be used for event entrance on the day.
CD & TD updated the group on potential bookings/stall holders for the event and will push for more confirmations before the next meeting.
Office to attempt to obtain further bookings, particularly stalls and catering.
Due to the TENS license capacity at 499. It was agreed that the stage and catering area will be marked off using stakes/tape and strategic layout, a count will take place to ensure we meet the requirements.
CD & TD confirmed floor plan will take into consideration fire escape and contingencies for lighter vehicles to be on the grass if required. It was agreed a site visit mid-late May will take place to allow for mapping/event layout to begin.
Members agreed that the next meeting would be arranged for Friday 17th May 2019 at 9.30am.
Meeting concluded at: 10:28am