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Councillor Tim Davies (Chair)
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio)
Caz Davies – Royal British Legion (RBL)
Frank Charlton – Royal British Legion (RBL)
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Clerk
Councillors noted apologies from Cllrs Clews, Plastow and Schofield.
It was agreed that today’s meeting would be used as a working site visit for the event the following day and that any formal business including approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting would be deferred to the next formal meeting.
RESOLVED that this item be deferred.
Members agreed:
Respite / refreshment area for volunteers as changing room 2
Pavilion kitchen to be used for refreshments for guests – Clerk to source
Arrangement for restricted numbers in TENS area
Stage management to Caz Davies
The stewards meeting to be held 29 June at 10am would address: Role allocation, break rota, parking, toilets and sun safety.
Civic guests to meet with Frank Charlton 2.50pm ahead of 3pm act of remembrance
Fire assembly point designated as arena
Cllr Panter left the meeting at 3.30pm
Members agreed:
Charity buckets and radios to be locked changing room 2 on event closure
Mule to be garaged
Meeting concluded at 3.45pm