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Councillor Tim Davies (Chairman)
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor Chris Lambie
Councillor James Plastow
Ian Bradley (arrived at 9.31am)
Frank Charlton
In Attendance:
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Jessica Flowers Administration Support Officer
Also Present: X1 Members of the Public
Apologies received from Richard Lindsey
None declared.
Note: Ian Bradley arrived at 09.31am.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Armed Forces Day, Remembrance Sunday & War Memorial Working Group meeting Thursday 9 January 2020 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Plastow abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Members NOTED the resolution at Community Services Committee ‘that Members approve of the Armed Forces and Community Day 2020 event plan and indicative budget.’
RESOLVED – That Forces Attendees, Forces Charities, those Raising funds for the Event Charity and those providing free activities for children are able to hold a space at no charge as these will make up the Forces/Welfare zone in and around the Market Place.
Admin Support Officer noted to the group that WLDC have identified that to have music past 4pm, an additional entertainments license is required.
RESOLVED To end stage entertainment at 4pm rather than apply for additional license which would involve costs up to £300.
RESOLVED To include the Lah Di Dah Trio in the stage timetable at a cost of £185.00 for 2x 30 mins or 1x 45-60min slots.
Frank Charlton requested the group determine whether the parade will be a formal one which must take into account Military procedure.
RESOLVED – To hold the Parade as a Formal Parade – Participants are to be invited and arranged by Frank Charlton and Caz Davies including on the day.
Frank Charlton is to speak to Mr Hand regarding the possibility of flyovers.
Members noted the quote from Tooleys amusements for a carousel and swing boats and would like to await further quotes/options.
Councillor Lambie requested the Admin Support Officer put a call out on the Facebook Page for Veterans/Families of Veterans to get in touch.
Members noted a quote supplied via Richard Lindsey for vintage deck chairs for the marketplace. Members noted the chairs in storage at Richmond House from the Friends of Richmond Park may be of use and free to use. Councillor Davies and Councillor Dannatt are to inspect the chairs and report findings to next working group meeting before a decision is made on whether to use these or hire the deck chairs.
Note: Councillor Plastow left the meeting at 10.38am
Note: Councillor Clews left the meeting at 10.43am
The following working group meeting scheduled for Thursday 27th February at 9.30am.
The meeting concluded at 11.00am.