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Present: Simon Nicholson – Spital Hill (Chairman) Councillor Dennis Dannatt
Councillor David Dobbie – arrived at 6.33pm Councillor Chris Lambie
Carol Richardson – Showfields Graham Thomas – North Warren Richard Parkin – Love Lane
Frank Holmes – Secretary of Foxby Hill Allotment Association Gary Spencer – Chairman of Foxby Hill Allotment Association
Tom Clay Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: 2 members of the public
Councillor Keith Panter (ex-officio)
All Secretaries agreed that they all had a pecuniary interest in their own allotment site, but it was agreed that they would stay in the meeting to advise of any issues on their site. The Town Clerk granted a dispensation for this purpose.
Minutes of the meeting of Allotments Sub-Committee Wednesday 30 October 2019 Note: Councillor Dobbie arrived at the meeting at 6.33pm
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Allotments Sub-Committee held on Wednesday 30 October 2019 were approved as a correct record.
Note: Councillors Dannatt, Dobbie, Lambie and Richard Parkin abstained from voting on the above resolution.
Carol reported some asbestos on plot 24 needed removing.
The Operations Manager advised he would visit all sites to identify and log any asbestos in need to removal.
Simon thanks the Operations Manager for the padlock for the second gate. He advised they had had some trespassers, but nothing stolen or broken.
Richard advised they had also had some trespassers and are aware of who it was. Some sheds were damaged but nothing stolen.
Richard advised they would like to extend the car park. The Operations Manager advised he would visit the site to measure the dimensions and get some prices and report back to the next meeting.
Graham advised that all was ok.
Gary advised that they still have issues with a plot holder who had their tenancy agreement terminated, they are still accessing the site and has not returned their key. Also issues as the plot holder has brought asbestos on to site and the adjacent school and environmental health are now involved.
Councillor Dobbie advised he would assist the allotment site as WLDC Councillor for that ward as it could be deemed as flytipping.
Members NOTED the budget update as provided.
Members reviewed the 2021 / 2022 allotment rents
increase for ¼ rood gardens and £2 for ½ rood gardens for 2021 / 2022.
Secretaries were asked about current availability for the sites.
RESOLVED to advertise plot vacancies on Facebook, the Council website and notice boards to see if there is any further uptake. The Operations Manager advised he would contact members of the Greens Spaces meetings held at WLDC.
The Operations Manager updated Members on 2020 plans for Gainsborough in Bloom and advised he would be circulating posters around the sites.
The meeting concluded at 7.13pm.