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Simon Nicholson – Spital Hill (In the Chair)
Councillor Harry Clarke
Councillor Liz Clews
Councillor Keith Panter
Carol Richardson – Showfields
Graham Thomas – North Warren
Richard Parkin – Love Lane
Colin Rowley – Treasurer of Foxby Hill Allotment Association
In Attendance:
Claire Hill Town Clerk
Rachel Allbones Deputy Clerk / RFO
Sean Alcock Operations Manager
Also Present: 2 members of the public
Councillor David Dobbie
RESOLVED to accept the apologies received and reasons given.
All Secretaries agreed that they all had a pecuniary interest in their own allotment site, but it was agreed that they would stay in the meeting to advise of any issues on their site. The Clerk granted a dispensation for this purpose.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Allotments Sub-Committee held on Tuesday 30 October 2018 were approved as a correct record.
Note: Councillor Panter abstained from voting on the above resolution.
The Secretary thanked the Operations Manager and grounds team for work carried out on the plots. The secretary requested that two significant areas of debris be cleared from plot 1. The Operations Manager agreed he would advise the grounds team to include on their schedule of works.
The Secretary advised the fence on Cox’s Hill side was showing signs of wear and needs several posts replacing. The Operations Manager agreed he would advise the grounds team to include on their schedule of works.
The Secretary thanked the Operations Manager and grounds team for work carried out planting the gorse bushes.
The Secretary informed Members one plot holder had had his chickens stolen. He also advised of his attempts to contact the contractor approved to clear the site but to no avail.
The Operations Manager advised he would begin to look again for alternative contractor quotes.
The Clerk informed Members that at the last Management and Finance Committee meeting Members recommended to Full Council to take £5,000 from the £10,033 allotment site ear marked reserves to put towards the urgent repairs of the showfield allotment wall. The Clerk advised that in the 2019/20 budget funds have been budgeted for to start a sinking fund for the future maintenance of the wall.
Secretaries raised concerns with regards to the use of the allotment site ear marked reserves.
RESOLVED that Members note the budget sheet and was advised to come forward with any projects for their sites.
The Acting Secretary / Treasurer informed Members they have had recent issues regarding a former plot holder on the site, which is now in Police hands.
Refencing of both the Middlefield Lane and Foxby Lane side of the site is now complete and have received positive comments from members of the public.
An AGM will be held in March with the aim of appointing a new Secretary and to decide how to spend the 2019/20 rents within the site.
Members reviewed 2020 / 2021 allotment rents to make a proposal for consideration at Management and Finance Committee. Some Secretaries requested that the rent be rounded up to a whole pound figure.
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE to increase the allotment rents for 2020 / 2021 to £27 from £26.50
Members considered the request for support from GIB in relation to use of allotments such as promotion and free plots to aid allotment take up.
Showfield Allotment Secretary advised that they felt seriously let down by GIB, as they have entered in the past and the late former Secretary spent hours planting flowers round the site with support from plot holders to improve the site, and on the day of judging the judges did not enter the site, just looked over the gate.
Secretaries advised they would speak with their plot holders to see if the have any ideas to feedback to the Sub-Committee.
The Clerk advised that work had begun on ensuring all plot holders have an up to date allotment agreement and the Deputy Clerk would liaise with Secretaries direct.
RESOLVED under Standing Order 14n to exclude the press and public.
Note: Treasurer of Foxby Hill Allotment Association and Members of the public left the meeting.
Members considered the quotations received to make alterations to Spital Hill allotment gates and fence, making them up to 2m high with mesh fronts.
RESOLVED to RECOMMEND TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE to approve the quotation received by P.C’s to make alterations to Spital Hill allotment gates and fence, making them up to 2m high with mesh fronts.
Note: Councillor Clarke abstained from voting on the above resolution.
The meeting concluded at 7.26pm.