Campaign to tackle fraud

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has launched a campaign to tackle fraud and scams by empowering communities to identify and report fraud through the distribution of FREE fraud and scam prevention packs. The packs include materials such as ‘No Cold...

Changing Places

Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download the Document here [425.85 KB] Alison from Changing Places attended the Town Council’s February Full Council meeting on the 6th, and as part of that presented the Changing Places presentation....

Elected Mayor for remaining Mayoral Year

After the passing of the Mayor of Gainsborough Cllr Tim Davies in November Gainsborough lost a dedicated member of the community who truly worked hard to make a difference. At Tuesday’s Full Council meeting the Council elected Cllr Caz Davies (wife of Cllr Tim...
Civic Carol Service

Civic Carol Service

All Saint’s Church is hosting a Civic Carol Service this Sunday 17th December at 4pm – all are welcome to attend and are invited to sing Carols amongst the Christmas trees.