Mayflower Close – New Staggered Safety Railings

Mayflower Close – New Staggered Safety Railings

To improve child safety, the entrance to Mayflower Close children’s play area has new tarmac surfacing and staggered safety railings to prevent a child running directly out into the road. Yesterday, Gainsborough Mayor Cllr Tim Davies was on-site with Leader of the...
Teen Area – Levellings Refurbishment

Teen Area – Levellings Refurbishment

Gainsborough Town Council have received funding from FCC and WLDC for the refurbishment and improvement of the teen area at Levellings park. This will include the refurbishment of the popular climbing and skate equipment as well as new and exciting opportunities for...

Cemetery Taps – Out of Order

Please note, some taps throughout the General Cemetery are currently unusable and in need of repair. We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to fix this as quickly as we can, in the meantime, we ask that you please use alternative taps or bring bottled...